Amit Bashyal (far right) at the Neutrino summer school in Illinois.
Amit Bashyal (far right) at the Neutrino summer school in Illinois.

5th year grad student Amit Bashyal’s team won a group presentation prize at the International Neutrino Summer School for their study of magnetization of DUNE experiment far detectors. Students were divided into groups given a short time to do an original study and then present it! Congratulations Amit and team!

3 other Schellman group members and alumni are pictured. Laura Fields (Fermilab, 6th from left) and Cheryl Patrick (UCL, 7th from left) were lecturers at the summer school and 2nd year student Sean Gilligan (3rd from right) also attended.

Differential QE-like cross section dσ(E_QEν)/dQ^2_QE, in bins of E_QEν. Inner error bars show statistical uncertainties; outer error bars show total (statistical and systematic) uncertainty. The red histogram shows the MINERvA-tuned GENIE model used to estimate smearing and acceptance.

The much anticipated paper version of Cheryl Patrick’s thesis has been accepted by Physical Review D.   Check it out at:

The data release is available at

Update:  It is published in Phys. Rev. D which is now open access:

Cheryl Patrick successfully defended her thesis:

Measurement of the Antineutrino Double-Differential Charged-Current Quasi-Elastic Scattering Cross Section at MINERvA in March and is now a postdoc on SuperNEMO at University College London.

Heidi Schellman, Cheryl Patrick PhD and Laura Fields
Heidi Schellman, Cheryl Patrick PhD and Laura Fields. Cheryl is wearing the official PhD hat.

She came back to the US to give a fantastic Fermilab Wine and Cheese talk in June 2016 which has been written up in Fermi NewsWatch the video!

Amit Bashyal joined the OSU neutrino group in September 2015 after getting his undergraduate degree at the University of Texas at Arlington working with Jaehoon Yu.  Prior to coming to OSU he was an International Fellow at Fermilab for a year working with Laura Fields and Alberto Marchionni on physics studies for the DUNE/LBNF neutrino beamline design.

Graduate student Amit Bashyal
Graduate student Amit Bashyal

Tim Andeen received his doctorate for work on the D0 experiment at Fermilab in 2008.  His thesis, `Measurement of the W Boson Mass with the D0 Run II Detector using the Electron PT Spectrum’ used a precision measurement of the W boson mass to make tight constraints on the mass of the Higgs boson, several years before the Higgs was finally discovered.  He then went to Columbia University as a postdoc and research associate on the ATLAS experiment at CERN.  He will start as an Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Texas, Austin in Fall 2015.

Tim at Columbia.
Tim at Columbia.

The W boson mass squeezing the Higgs boson.
The W boson mass squeezing the Higgs boson.  Particles from the Particle Zoo.

Tracy Taylor Thomas received her doctorate in the Schellman group on the D0 experiment at Fermilab. Her 1997 doctoral thesis was on “Strongly interacting color singlet exchange in proton – anti-proton collisions at 1800-GeV”. Instead of staying in Illinois as a postdoc, she moved to Portland Oregon and used her computing skills as a software engineer at U.S. Software, she is now the Director for Professional Services Operations at Jive Software and a popular Portland beer critic.

Jive Software looks like a fun place to work.
Jive Software looks like a fun place to work.

Sahal Yacoob came to Northwestern University with a Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Cape Town.  He was a Luminosity expert on the DO experiment and Fermilab and measured the W boson mass with and uncertainty of 0.025%.  After graduation he joined the new South African effort on the ATLAS experiment at CERN, first at the University of Wittwatersrand, then at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.    He has moved back to Cape Town as a Lecturer in Physics on ATLAS as of summer 2015.  See news from Sahal on the ATLAS Blog.


Sahal at the International Conference on High Energy Physics in Valencia Spain.
Sahal at the International Conference on High Energy Physics in Valencia Spain, July 2014.

Sahal scrutinizing the ATLAS experiment at CERN.
Sahal scrutinizing the ATLAS experiment at CERN.