Jason Stein, former physics student, now a neuroscientist.
Jason Stein, former physics student, now a neuroscientist.

Jason Stein wrote his undergraduate thesis with the Schellman group on “Theoretical Calculation of the Charge Asymmetry Uncertainties Using the CTEQ6 Parton Distribution Function Set.” as a student in the Integrated Science Program at Northwestern University. He also helped create the D0 experiment luminosity readout system.  He went on to graduate study and postdoctoral fellowships in neuroscience at UCLA and has just accepted a faculty position in genetics and neuroscience at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.  See his lab page at http://www.steinlab.org/ .


The Luminosity group in 2005, Tim Andeen, Michelle Reschke, Sahal Yacoob, Terry Toole, Marco Verzocchi, Elizabeth Gallas and Jason Stein
The Luminosity group in 2005, Tim Andeen, Michelle Reschke, Sahal Yacoob, Terry Toole, Marco Verzocchi, Elizabeth Gallas and Jason Stein


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