We just posted our new postdoctoral scholar position.  The location is most likely Fermilab but we’ll consider people interested in working in Corvallis.


MicroBooNE/MINERvA (AJO-5824)

Oregon State U. – Postdoc

Field of Interest: hep-ex, nucl-ex
Experiment: FNAL-E-0974, FNAL-E-0938
Deadline: 2015-10-01
Region: North America
Job description:
Oregon State University is seeking a postdoctoral scholar to participate in the MicroBooNE and MINERvA experiments at Fermilab. The Oregon State group’s expertise is in data handling, validation and algorithms and our physics interest is in precision measurements of neutrino cross section in the energy regimes relevant to future neutrino oscillation experiments. The position will most likely be at Fermilab in Illinois.

We are looking for someone with prior experimental experience in either high energy physics or nuclear physics, not restricted to neutrino physics. Significant expertise in modern scientific computing and data analysis is a plus.

For full consideration, please apply by 10/1/2015

Please apply via academicjobs online at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/5824
Contact: Heidi Schellman
Email: schellma@fnal.gov
More Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/5824


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