I found out at shift turnover that Chris M. at Rochester had diagnosed a problem using a screen I didn’t know about.  So we agreed to document our displays to see if we’re looking at all the displays we need to look at.

Here is my general layout:



Overview of the OSU Uroc configuration
Overview of the OSU Uroc configuration
On the far left is the event display
On the far left is the event display
Top-left is run control for MINERvA and MINOS
Top-left is run control for MINERvA and MINOS
On the top-right is the Veto wall HV and 2 beam monitors
On the top-right is the Veto wall HV and 2 beam monitors
The MINERvAcam and Bennie the Beaver
The MINERvAcam and Bennie the Beaver
Bottom-left is the ECL logbook and a web browser for checking other site logs
Bottom-left is the ECL logbook and a web browser for checking other site logs
bottom-right are the monitoring plots.
bottom-right are the monitoring plots.
video feed
Far-right – a live video feed to the Fermilab control room. with the nu_2 and nu_3 – nu_1 seems to have wandered off somewhere. 

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