Category Archives: New Collections

Friday Feature: Portraying Forest History

I love new projects that celebrate new collections! Last Friday, August 16, we released nearly 5,000 digital images of the Siuslaw National Forest (SNF), which date from 1908 when Siuslaw was first established as a national forest to the present. A highlight of the collection is a series of photographs taken by Corydon Cronk during his time as an assistant ranger on the forest in 1910-1911.

Aerial Central coast N. from Cape Perpetua

Kevin Bruce, SNF Heritage Resource Program manager, approached Larry Landis and Ruth Vondracek nearly a year ago with the exciting proposal to create the Siuslaw National Forest Collection. The collection represents the first step in a long-ranging joint project between the SNF and the OSU Libraries and Press’ Center for Digital Scholarship and Special Collections & Archives Research Center.

Heritage Resource Program manager Kevin Bruce says

“Ranging from early 20th-century homesteading activities to modern stream restoration efforts, the collection includes a wide array of topics that reflect the changing management, landscapes, and people on the Siuslaw National Forest.”

Making forest history more publicly accessible is the goal of the project, and this project also involved the public. The images were digitized and described by volunteers in the Passport in Time Program, a volunteer archaeology and historic preservation program of the U.S. Forest Service. Under the supervision of former Siuslaw National Forest Heritage Program manager Phyllis Steeves, volunteers scanned images over the course of a decade, and even developed the database to store the associated information. Maura Valentino, from the OSULP Center for Digital Scholarship played a significant role in making the images available as through the OSULP digital collections.

See the Siuslaw National Forest Collection.

Read the OSU press release.


Friday Feature: notes from the field or “a trip to collect the Edith Yang collection”

Summertime isn’t just for vacations and lounging at a lake, it’s also a big time for transferring collections! Last week Karl & Mike traveled to Salem to review the Governor Douglas McKay collection, and earlier this week I wrote about a few items Karl found in a collection delivery from the Hyslop Crop Science Field Research Laboratory.

Yang residence

This week Karl, Natalia, and Larry made a trip to Edith Yang’s house to pick up materials pertaining to her work as an architect in Corvallis. The collection is rich with architectural plans and sketches, but the group also found materials related to her work (e.g. professional correspondence, initiatives and petitions, project notes and reports). This is a big project and the materials are still in the processing queue…

Edith Yang passed away in May of 2012 after an active career. In looking at the many rolls of plans currently in our workroom and reading about her work, it’s clear that Yang made quite an imprint on the buildings in our community. Born in Portland in 1918, Yang was an art major at the UofO, completing her a masters degree in 1948 and a bachelors degree in Architecture in 1950. She won a Woman of Achievement Award in the 1970s and was the 8th woman in architect in the state to get a license — she was also the first minority to get a license.

She worked at OSU for 12 years as a staff architect and had her own architecture practice from 1954 to 2000. Though most of her work at OSU was in architectural drawing, for all of her career she did both design and planning work. She was inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright’s designs, which is reflected in a very special building to her — her own house in NW Corvallis.

She was also very passionate about the arts, serving as president of the Arts in Oregon Council and chair of the The Arts Center in Corvallis. Her vision of the riverfront evolved into what the riverfront is today.

We look forward to offering you more information on this collection as we unroll and process it!

New Collections in the University Archives

MooreHere is a selected list of new collections that have come into the archives in the past four months. If you would like to see the entire list of new additions to the archives please visit our New Accessions Page.

Holderman, Woody, Photographs (P 263)

  • 1956-1975
  • 0.35 cubic foot; 1 document box
  • This accession is made up of photographs taken by Woody Holderman during his work as a stream clearance foreman with the Oregon Game Commission (OGC). Documenting OGC’s program of wood clearance from streams and rivers in Oregon coastal basin forests, these images depict active removal of wood debris by crews under Holderman’s supervision, the areas before and after the clearance projects, manmade features on the streams such as fish ladders, and river flooding. Consisting of 943 images in total (772 prints and negatives, 171 slides) the photographs are attached to and sleeved into pages arranged into a numerical order. Inventories listing the location, subject matter, and date of the images in order by page number can be found in the folders with the photographs. Among the rivers and tributaries represented in these images include the Siuslaw, Siletz, Coquille, the South Santiam, Lobster Creek, the Rogue, and Alsea.

Andresen, Paul, Photograph Collection (P 262)

  • 1998-1999
  • 0.02 cubic foot; 1 file folder
  • Andresen graduated in 1968 with a degree in engineering.
    This accession is made up of 41 slides taken by alumnus Paul Andresen depicting the construction of Goss Stadium and two baseball games. The two contests documented in these images consist of the first game to be played in Goss Stadium and a tournament game in Peoria, Arizona, in 1999.

Holland, Jacquelin F., Papers (MSS)

  • 1945-1951
  • 0.25 cubic foot; 1 16×20 oversize box
  • Born in Marshfield, Oregon, Holland graduated with a degree in secretarial science from the School of Business and Technology in 1951. She died in 2006.
  • This accession is made up of materials generated and collected by alumna Jacquelin Holland and includes commencement programs, a diploma, a game program, a copy of the Daily Barometer, a photograph, registration cards, and a scrapbook. Containing photographs, correspondence, flyers, ticket stubs, event programs, dance cards, receipts, and publications, the scrapbook documents Holland’s residence at the Winston and Linden Cooperative Houses and social life on campus. Also included in this transfer is a report prepared by Holland for the Secretarial Science Department that contains letters of recommendation, work history data, list of coursework taken, and a table rating Holland on personal characteristics such as patience, determination, sense of humor, and correct of telephone.

Moore, James A., Papers (MSS)

  • 1970-1999
  • 0.55 cubic foot; 1 archives box
  • Especializing in the study of animal waste management and water quality issues connected with livestock grazing, James A. Moore came to OSU in 1979 to work as an Associate Professor and Extension Agricultural Engineer. Later serving as head of the Bioresource Engineering Department from 1996 to 2002, Moore became professor emeritus in 2002.
  • This accession is made up of article reprints, conference papers, Extension circulars, and book chapters documenting the research of Bioresource Engineering Professor James A. Moore.

Crookham, George, Papers (MSS)

  • 1930-2006
  • 0.25 cubic foot; 1 12×17 oversize box
  • Studying botany at Oregon State from 1927 to 1932, George Crookham took over his father’s seed business in Idaho and went on to introduce the first hybrid sweet corn in that state. In addition to his business activities, Crookham was also involved in Idaho politics serving as mayor of Caldwell, a state legislator (1955-1962), and first Chairman of the Idaho Water Resources Board. As a politician, Crookham was instrumental in the introduction of the sales tax to Idaho. He died in 1999. A scholarship for OSU students interested in plant breeding research in honor was established in 2001 in honor of Crookham by his daughter, Judith Krueger.
  • This accession consists of materials pertaining to alumnus George Crookham and includes a pennant, a belt buckle featuring the words “Oregon State”, class notes, dried plant specimens, a historical essay, a laboratory notebook, newspaper clippings, photographs, publications, speeches/testimony, and two caps. The publications and clippings relate to Crookham’s seed business and race for governor of Idaho. Crookham’s family history and their involvement in introducing hybrid sweet corn to Idaho is the subject of the essay. Crookham’s speeches and testimony pertain to Idaho irrigation and hydropower projects. In addition to portrait shots, the photos include an image of Crookham and wife Bernice underneath the Trysting tree and photocopies from an album depicting Crookham’s life as a student.

Faudskar, John, Papers (MSS)

  • 1942-1985
  • 0.35 cubic foot; 1 document box
  • After earning BS and MS degrees from the OSU Department of Fisheries of Wildlife, John Faudskar began working for the Extension Service as a Marine Extension Agent in 1972. Based in the Tillamook County Extension office, Faudskar also worked for the Sea Grant program. Faudskar became emeritus in 2003
  • This accession is made up of materials collected and generated by OSU Marine Extension Agent John Faudskar that pertain to the use of the pesticides Sevin and Carbaryl in the control of sand and mud shrimp for the cultivation of oysters in Tillamook Bay. Primarily documenting two major rounds of tests in 1962-63 and 1980-83, this transfer includes correspondence, legal records, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, notes, photographs, publications, and reports. In addition to letters from Faudskar, there is also correspondence from Tillamook County Extension Agent William Wick, the Shrimp-Oyster Technical Committee, and chemical industry representatives. The legal documentation relates to challenges brought by the Oregon Audubon Society and other organizations to the use of Sevin and other pesticides in Tillamook Bay. The photographs consist of 28 slides depicting the results of an experimental application of Sevin to eradicate ghost shrimp in Grays Harbor, Washington.

Cone, Joe, Papers (MSS)

  • 1952-1994
  • 3.5 cubic feet; 3 archives boxes and 2 9×13 tape storage boxes
  • Currently serving as Assistant Director and communications leader for Oregon Sea Grant, Joe Cone has been at OSU since 1983. In addition to his work as writer and editor of books, Cone has also shot and edited films for Sea Grant. His other books include: “Fire Under the Sea” and the “Northwest Salmon Crisis.” “A Common Fate”, exploring the history and sociology of salmon depletion in the Pacific Northwest, was published by OSU Press in 1996.
  • This accession is made up of materials collected and generated by OSU Sea Grant Assistant Director Joe Cone in the process of writing the book “A Common Fate: Endangered Salmon and the People of the Pacific Northwest.” In addition to correspondence, notes, and chapter drafts, this transfer also contains reference materials gathered during research such as legislative bill statements, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, news releases, publications, reports, speeches, statistical data, and transcripts/notes of oral interviews and meetings. Sound recordings documenting oral interviews and meetings on cassette tapes (52 in all) were also found in this accession. A CD-ROM containing files copied from Cone’s computer pertaining to “A Common Fate” was also included in this accession.

Bruce G. Marcot Spotted Owl Collection (MSS)

  • 1951-1993
  • 8 cubic feet; 8 archives boxes
  • Earning a doctorate in fisheries and wildlife from OSU in 1985, Bruce G. Marcot works as a research wildlife biologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service in Portland, Oregon. Marcot specialized in the study of habitat relationships of birds and young-growth Douglas fir in California.
  • This accession consists of materials collected and generated by research wildlife biologist Bruce G. Marcot that pertain to the study of the spotted owl, the management of its habitat, and preservation as a endangered species. The bulk of this transfer is made up of publications, reports, and studies created by a number of different agencies and organizations including: the U.S. Forest Service, OSU Fisheries and Wildlife Department, U.S. Department of the Interior, the Louisiana-Pacific Corporation, the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, and the Interagency Spotted Owl Scientific Committee. There is also correspondence between Marcot and others involved in the spotted owl research and management as well as student theses in this accession. Geographically, the focus of these materials include studies of the spotted owl in California and Mexico in addition to the Pacific Northwest.

Duerst, Elvin A., Papers (MSS)

  • 1929-1993
  • 80 cubic feet; 78 archives boxes; 1 16×20 oversize box; and 3 map folders
  • Graduating with a degree in agricultural economics from Oregon State College in 1937, Elvin Albert Duerst worked for a number of governmental agencies (International Cooperation Agency; Agency for International Development) and consulting firms as an economic consultant on agricultural and transportation infrastructure projects. Working primarily outside the U.S. in various locales including: Saudi Arabia, Brazil, El Salvador, the Philippines, and China, Duerst also worked for the Montana Extension Service as a county agent. He died in 2006.
  • This accession consists of materials generated and collected by alumnus Elvin Duerst that include correspondence, curriculum vitae, flowcharts, maps, newspaper clippings, notes, personal calendars, photographs, photograph albums, postcards, publications, reports, research data, sound recordings, student papers, and a scrapbook. Primarily reflecting Duerst’s career as an economic consultant for the federal government, the Montana Extension Service, and several private consulting firms, these materials also document his student work at Oregon State College and participation in the Future Farmers of America as a teen in Yamhill County, Oregon. Duerst’s interest in collecting art is also reflected in these papers.The photographs and photo albums, numbering 400 prints and 14 volumes in total, document work projects in China, Latin America, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, and Montana. The maps mostly depict sections of Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Bolivia, and other regions of South and Central America. The sound recordings are made up of 8 cassette tapes of presentations at a conference.

Hogg, Ronald V. and John G., Papers (MSS)

  • 1918-1922
  • 0.20 cubic foot; 2 document boxes
  • Both graduates of the School of Agriculture (1922 and 1923 respectively), John and Ronald Hogg were sons of a farmer in Salem who bred prize-winning pigs.
  • This accession is made up of class notebooks and photographs generated by alumni Ronald Valentine and John Glenn Hogg. Among the courses documented in these notebooks include agricultural economics, library practice, public speaking, English, farm accounts, horticulture, American government, and comparative anatomy. Highlights in the notes include recipes from a camp cooking class and references to (an event contemporary to the class) World War I from a “war aims” military science course. The photographs consist of nitrate negatives (54 in all) depicting the Hogg family farm, their award-winning pigs, campus buildings, a vacation to the coast, and an exhibit of Oregon agricultural products at an unidentified event. Also found in this transfer are certificates for the Hoggs’ membership in the Alpha Zeta fraternity, two campus directories, and a letter from the college announcing registration information.

New Additions to Existing Collections

Van Vliet, Tony, Papers (MSS)

  • 1951-2004
  • 6 cubic feet; 5 archives boxes; 2 9×13 tape storage boxes; 1 16×20 oversize box; 1 23×31 oversize box; and 1 map folder
  • This addition to the Tony Van Vliet Papers is made up of buttons, certificates, correspondence, newspaper clippings, notes, photographs, plaques, posters, precinct maps, publications, sound recordings, speeches, stickers, videotapes, and a chart of campaign volunteers. Largely documenting Van Vliet’s career as a Oregon State representative for Benton County, these materials also pertain to Van Vliet’s participation on advisory bodies appointed by the governor and involvement in Benton County bond and fiscal measures after retiring from elective service in 1993. In addition to chronologically arranged files documenting legislative sessions and election campaigns, there are also materials in this transfer relating to particular bills and measures. Among the topics reflected in these files include: state employee retirement benefits, the Oregon Health Plan, a sales tax proposal, and statewide wrestling/boxing regulation. The photographs depict Van Vliet at work in the capitol as a representative, giving speeches, with his family, and receiving honors from the Oregon Governor and others. The sound recordings document senate sessions, campaign ads, speeches, and interviews. Wooden poles used as a prop in demonstrating the Oregon’s lack of a “three-legged” tax structure were also part of this transfer.

Courtney, E. Wayne, Papers (MSS)

  • 1960-2006
  • 0.70 cubic foot; 1 archives box
  • This addition to the Wayne Courtney Papers is made up of publications and reports that document Courtney’s career as instructor and consultant as well as his ventures into prose writing. Primarily reflecting Courtney’s teaching work before he came to OSU in 1972 and after gaining emeritus status in 1993, this accession includes textbooks relating to performance-based testing modules, reports of testing and evaluation projects in conjunction with Kasetsart University in Thailand, and yearbooks from two schools where Courtney taught before arriving at OSU. The literary materials consist of a novel, essays about Yaquina Bay shorebirds and Native Americans, and a short story about an “Indian Girl Named Sara.” Also included in this transfer are newsletters and membership lists of the genealogical group, the Courtenay Society. In addition to articles penned by Courtney that appear in the newsletters, he is also reflected in the membership lists.