Category Archives: Friday Feature

Friday Feature: Nuclear History Research Guide

The Special Collections and Archives Research Center is pleased to share the first of our new research guides, which details our significant collection strengths in nuclear history and atomic energy.

The guide includes subtopics on:

The guide will expand as we begin processing on a few new accessions in SCARC, including further records of the Radiation Center, the papers of Radiation Center director Chih Wang, and a very special new collection arriving in the fall. Watch this space for updates, and for new research guides on other subject strengths. In the meantime, check out interesting selections from the atomic energy and nuclear history collections on SCARC’s Pinterest page.

Friday Feature: Portraying Forest History

I love new projects that celebrate new collections! Last Friday, August 16, we released nearly 5,000 digital images of the Siuslaw National Forest (SNF), which date from 1908 when Siuslaw was first established as a national forest to the present. A highlight of the collection is a series of photographs taken by Corydon Cronk during his time as an assistant ranger on the forest in 1910-1911.

Aerial Central coast N. from Cape Perpetua

Kevin Bruce, SNF Heritage Resource Program manager, approached Larry Landis and Ruth Vondracek nearly a year ago with the exciting proposal to create the Siuslaw National Forest Collection. The collection represents the first step in a long-ranging joint project between the SNF and the OSU Libraries and Press’ Center for Digital Scholarship and Special Collections & Archives Research Center.

Heritage Resource Program manager Kevin Bruce says

“Ranging from early 20th-century homesteading activities to modern stream restoration efforts, the collection includes a wide array of topics that reflect the changing management, landscapes, and people on the Siuslaw National Forest.”

Making forest history more publicly accessible is the goal of the project, and this project also involved the public. The images were digitized and described by volunteers in the Passport in Time Program, a volunteer archaeology and historic preservation program of the U.S. Forest Service. Under the supervision of former Siuslaw National Forest Heritage Program manager Phyllis Steeves, volunteers scanned images over the course of a decade, and even developed the database to store the associated information. Maura Valentino, from the OSULP Center for Digital Scholarship played a significant role in making the images available as through the OSULP digital collections.

See the Siuslaw National Forest Collection.

Read the OSU press release.


Friday Feature — road trip

Tacked to the end of a family road trip, I made a visit to the American Hop Museum in Toppenish, WA (which is just south of Yakima). It was a lovely museum and a fun trip through the hops production system!

American Hop Museum

The AHM has a mission to “preserve, protect & display the historical equipment, photos, and artifacts that have long been important in the raising and harvesting of this obscure perennial vine that is vital to the brewing industry.” The Yakima Valley is the heart of hop growing country, with a clear claim to being the nation’s largest hop producing area. The museum combines exhibits with artifacts and information displays with a fun and unique gift shop.

There is a small archives, around 30 cubic foot boxes (think paper boxes), with records pertaining to hops production in the area (pictures, correspondence, business records). From what the staff person said they haven’t had a lot of research traffic for the archival materials, but they do get a variety of visitors from all over the world. When we signed the guestbook I have to admit that people from England seemed to dominate!

You can learn more about the museum, including the history of the building, on their web page.

You can also find a new Flickr set “American Hop Museum in Toppenish — a field trip” with more pictures from my trip!

Friday Feature: notes from the field or “a trip to collect the Edith Yang collection”

Summertime isn’t just for vacations and lounging at a lake, it’s also a big time for transferring collections! Last week Karl & Mike traveled to Salem to review the Governor Douglas McKay collection, and earlier this week I wrote about a few items Karl found in a collection delivery from the Hyslop Crop Science Field Research Laboratory.

Yang residence

This week Karl, Natalia, and Larry made a trip to Edith Yang’s house to pick up materials pertaining to her work as an architect in Corvallis. The collection is rich with architectural plans and sketches, but the group also found materials related to her work (e.g. professional correspondence, initiatives and petitions, project notes and reports). This is a big project and the materials are still in the processing queue…

Edith Yang passed away in May of 2012 after an active career. In looking at the many rolls of plans currently in our workroom and reading about her work, it’s clear that Yang made quite an imprint on the buildings in our community. Born in Portland in 1918, Yang was an art major at the UofO, completing her a masters degree in 1948 and a bachelors degree in Architecture in 1950. She won a Woman of Achievement Award in the 1970s and was the 8th woman in architect in the state to get a license — she was also the first minority to get a license.

She worked at OSU for 12 years as a staff architect and had her own architecture practice from 1954 to 2000. Though most of her work at OSU was in architectural drawing, for all of her career she did both design and planning work. She was inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright’s designs, which is reflected in a very special building to her — her own house in NW Corvallis.

She was also very passionate about the arts, serving as president of the Arts in Oregon Council and chair of the The Arts Center in Corvallis. Her vision of the riverfront evolved into what the riverfront is today.

We look forward to offering you more information on this collection as we unroll and process it!

Friday Feature: Karl and Mike’s Excellent Adventure

Last Friday, July 12th, Karl McCreary and Mike Dicianna embarked on an excellent adventure to evaluate the Governor Douglas McKay papers and Mike has written this post to share the story.

The OSU Special Collections and Archives Research Center is presently negotiating with McKay’s family for acquisition of a rather complete collection of papers, photographs, ephemera and correspondence. The McKay collection is full of exciting items from this famous Oregon Agricultural College (OAC) alumni’s life.

Douglas McKay is a 1917 Graduate from OAC. He was student body president his senior year. When the United States entered World War I, McKay enlisted in the army and was sent to Europe, where he attained the rank of second lieutenant in the 361st Infantry Regiment of the Ninety-first (Pacific Coast) Division. On October 3, 1918, during the battle for Sedan in the Meuse-Argonne offensive, a severe shell wound removed him from combat; it was for that injury that McKay was awarded the Purple Heart.

Upon returning to Oregon, McKay lived with his wife and children in Portland where he sold insurance and worked as a car salesman. In 1927 he moved to Salem and purchased his own car dealership, which he called Douglas McKay Chevrolet. After living in Salem for five years, he was elected mayor. During WWII, McKay again volunteered for military service, and at age 48, was assigned to Camp Adair, near Corvallis as the gunnery range officer.

McKay served as an Oregon State Senator from 1934-1943, and was elected Governor in 1948. McKay left the governorship in 1952 when President Eisenhower appointed him Secretary of the Interior. After one term in Washington DC, he returned to run for U.S. Senate against Wayne Morse; his bid was unsuccessful. McKay retired from political life and the car business in the late 1950’s. He spent his last years in Salem with his wife. McKay died on July 22, 1959, after an extended illness.

The McKay collection is important to OSU Special Collections and Archive Research Center on many levels. Most importantly as an alum, his connection to OAC would be highlighted here since the collection includes numerous items from McKay’s years as a college student. Period photos, ephemera, and correspondence are poignant windows into university history during the pre-WWI years.

Re elect Karl

Secondly, the researcher value of the documents, records and scrapbooks is stellar. Historians looking at the post-WWII years in Oregon and issues of natural resources on the national front, will have the opportunity to work with these papers in our reading room — we’re all about access! And again, Karl and I feel that this collection would have the greatest exposure and prominence here at Oregon State. Of course, you understand that we are biased.


Friday Feature: talking about history

As we march forward towards our big 150 sesquicentennial at OSU, SCARC is ramping up efforts to highlight our collections and build new ones. A team of staff and students are working to collect approximately fifty in-depth videotaped interviews with prominent alumni, faculty, staff and supporters over the next two years to add to our already robust oral history collections. 

The project is being sponsored by the OSU Vice-Provost’s Office, OSU Relations and Marketing, OSU Libraries and Press, the OSU Foundation and the Oregon Stater alumni magazine.

Most recently, interviews have been conducted with Major General Julie Bentz, Robert Lundeen, and Andy Landforce. We’ll let you know when the interviews are processed and available, but in the meantime I tempt you with these short bio pieces! But you can find more alumni stories on OSU’s YouTube page.

Major General Julie Bentz

Born in rural Oregon, she is the daughter and sister of two Army National Guard veterans. She followed in their footsteps, and upon enrolling at OSU, joined the ROTC, and upon graduating in 1986 with a BA and BS in Nuclear Engineering, accepted a commission as a Lieutenant in the Oregon National Guard. Julie’s first posting was in Germany, where she dealt with the fallout from the Chernobyl disaster. She has served at various posts throughout the US and Europe, where she specialized in nuclear health and nuclear security. She received an MS and PhD from University of Missouri. She worked at the Pentagon during the 9-11 attacks, and helped train nuclear safety during the first Gulf War. As of 2013, Julie is an adviser to President Obama on nuclear security, and was also promoted in June, 2013 to the rank Major General. She is the first woman to reach the rank of General in the Oregon National Guard.

Robert Lundeen

Bob was born and raised in rural Oregon in 1921. His father was an OSU (though at the time called Oregon Agricultural College) graduate, and worked in the lumber industry. Bob graduated from OSU (called Oregon State College at the time) in 1942 with a BS in Chemical Engineering. His class was the first group of American university students sent off to World War II. He served in China as a weather forecasting officer for the US Army Air Corps, eventually attained the rank of Major, and won a Bronze Star. After returning from the war, Bob began working for Dow Chemical Company in 1946. He spent almost 12 years in Hong Kong in charge of Dow affairs in China, and also briefly as the director of their Latin America division. He eventually served as the company’s Vice-President and Chairman of the Board. After retiring from Dow in the ’80s, he became the CEO of Tektronix, and was responsible for saving the company. Bob and his late wife, Betty, had three children, and donated extensively to the construction of the Valley Library at OSU.

Andy Landforce

Andy was the Associated Student Body President in 1941-1942. He graduated from then Oregon State University (at the time Oregon State College) in 1942, and was amongst the first class of American university students to be shipped off to World War II, where he served in both the European and Pacific theaters as the white commanding officer of the otherwise entirely African-American 3533rd Quartermaster Truck Company. By the time he was discharged, he had achieved the rank of Major. Upon returning, he became the first extension agent in Wallowa County, a job he held for seven years. In 1957, Andy returned to Corvallis and became the first Extension Wildlife Management specialist at OSU. He retired in 1977. Andy and his late wife Evelyn had multiple children  

Friday Feature: The Order of the Spoon

When one of our student workers, Megan, shared the story of “The Order of the Spoon” with me, uncovered as she was writing a finding aid for the collection, I knew it had to be shared with the blogoverse!

Order of the spoon ticket for George W. Peavy

The Order of the Spoon, or Ordo Cochlearis, was an organization founded to foster sound scholarship and promote graduate study, including teaching, writing, and research, among doctoral degree holders on the faculty of Oregon Agricultural College (then known as OAC).

Established by the Triad Club in 1927, the organization became a separate and independent entity in May of 1929 and the majority of the PhD faculty were members. The Order took its name from the history of scholarship; it was derived from the custom of medieval scholars to wear a wooden spoon as the insignia of their calling. The group’s committee officers held titles of Chief Spoon Bearer, Assistant Spoon Bearer, and Ladler.

On the day of an Order meeting, members often met at one campus location, dressed in hoods and gowns (academic regalia), each carrying a spoon that was their totem. The group then paraded with much fanfare and frivolity to their location of their meeting, at which members took part in a banquet while speakers gave presentations on the state of scholarship at the College. New members – new Doctors residing within the “realm” of Oregon Agricultural College – were inducted into the Order at these meetings.

This 0.35 cubic foot (2 boxes) collection contains materials pertaining to the establishment, organization, and proceedings of the group; membership eligibility and lists; and meetings and banquets held by the Order. Of special note is a large spoon, the presumed emblem of the Order.

Additional materials pertaining to the Order of the Spoon are part of the Mathematics Department Records (RG 136) and the M. Ellwood Smith Papers. The Special Collections & Archives Research Center holds the personal papers of many of the members of the Order of the Spoon, including Othniel R. Chambers, George W. Peavy, William Edmund Milne, Francois A. Gilfillan, Willibald Weniger, and Clair V. Langton, as well as the Triad Club Records.

Friday Feature: John L. Robbins Photograph Collection

What’s not to love about a photo collection that has photographs, contact prints, and negatives?

Collections archivist Karl McCreary shared a new box of goodies (that’s a “new accession” to archival-types), photographs taken by alumnus and Beaver Yearbook contributor John L. Robbins while he was at OSU. Included are pictures of football games, concerts by musicians and comedians, oceanographic research, a  speech by a civil rights activist Julian Bond, the Turtle Derby, basketball games, track and field events, carnival rides at night, classroom shots, and views of campus. Among the performers featured include Pat Paulsen, Carlos Santana, Donovan, The 5th Dimension, Mason Williams, Jonathan Winters, and the Rascals.

This latest addition will join the rest of the 700+ we already have from Robbins’ time at OSU in the John L. Robbins Photographs Collection (1968-1971). However, for those anxious to take a look, hold tight a bit longer because Karl is still in those final stages of the accessioning process and these new items aren’t quite ready for prime time.

Feature from last Friday: Alumni Reunion

Last Friday students from days of yore descended on campus to celebrate their students days at OSU — okay, all but one class is likely to still remember it as OSC…

June 7th and 8th the classes 1963, 1958, 1953, 1948, & 1943 came to campus to relive their student experience, as well as learn what’s going on at OSU today. They took tours, listened to panel discussions about contemporary campus life and research, and they looked at old stuff!

Collections Archivist Karl McCreary has been providing archival materials to enrich their reunion experience since he started in 2000. Mostly, he provides publications like the Fusser Guide, student handbooks, club pubs (Annual Cruise from the College of Forestry), and the campus paper the Barometer. But this year he decided to check out the event himself — and he invited his archival friends!

Tiah & Karl in the class of 1958 alumni gift cart!

We were especially interested in a “Then & Now” panel session with current students and alumni comparing and contrasting their campus experiences. We heard about the cost of college, thoughts on what makes this a special place, thoughts on drinking and the bad behavior of football fans, and future plans of soon-to-be grads.

So what was happening when they were here?

  • In 1963 the “new” Kerr Library building was completed and McNary Hall (a residence hall) opened.
  • In 1958 the School of Forestry, in conjunction with the Swedish Royal College of Forestry, sponsored a Swedish-American Forestry Conference in Stockholm. There were 207 international students from 36 different countries.
  • In 1953 the new football facility, Parker Stadium, (now Reser Stadium) was dedicated on October 24; after its grandstands were removed, Bell Field was used for track & field. Azalea House (women’s co-operative housing) opened in September. It was named for Azalea Sager, a former State Home Economics Leader with the Extension Service, who was “instrumental in promoting interest and obtaining the necessary funds for building and furnishing the house.”
  • In 1948 Sackett Hall (residence hall) was completed and the Adair Tract (6200 acres) was acquired for research and teaching by the Schools of Forestry and Agriculture (this later became known as the Dunn Forest).
  • Finally, in 1943 the school celebrated its 75th year after dedication as a state college. Enrollment was 4,743 (summer-660), there were 611 degrees conferred, and the library collection tallied up to 193,479 volumes!

It was a party!

Oregon Agricultural College alumni who graduated in 1904-1907 returned to campus in June, 1926. The objects of interest at this reunion tent are “old time pictures and mementos” — sound familiar?

Friday Feature: new digital collection!

Last week we opened a new exhibit on the 5th floor, a wonderful selection of reproductions of the glass plate negatives in the Benjamin Gifford collection. This week we’re pleased to announce the release of a new digital collection with photographs from the whole Gifford family!

New digital collection: photographs taken by four Gifford Family photographers

The Gifford Photographic Collection consists primarily of photographs taken by the four Gifford Family photographers: Ralph I. Gifford; his father, Benjamin A. Gifford; his wife, Wanda Gifford; and their son, Ben L. Gifford.

The Gifford Family’s photographic work began around 1890, when Benjamin A. Gifford moved to Portland, and continued into the 1950s. The collection documents Oregon landmarks and scenic views on the Oregon coast and in the Cascade Mountains, Willamette Valley, and central and eastern Oregon; agriculture in Oregon; and Native Americans, especially of the Columbia Plateau.

The tourism film The New Oregon Trail in the Ralph I. Gifford Motion Pictures (SG 3) section is one of my favorites. The production was supervised and edited by Harold Bradley Say, photographed by Ralph I. Gifford, and distributed by Castle Films. The 16 mm Kodachrome color film, with soundtrack, is approximately 22 minutes long (800 feet) and is also available for viewing online. It consists of footage of scenic and recreational attractions in Oregon and strongly emphasizes the moderate climate (read: not rainy climate) we enjoy in the Pacific Northwest, strongly promoting sport and commercial fishing on the Oregon Coast and in Oregon rivers, streams, and lakes. Of special note are scenes of Native Americans fishing at Celilo Falls, state parks throughout Oregon, highways and bridges (especially on the Oregon Coast), Mount Hood and Timberline Lodge, and the Pendleton Round-Up. Much of the footage in this film is similar to still photographs taken by Ralph I. Gifford.