Category Archives: Flickr Commons


Dogs & Chinook, horses hauling and fish spawning, elevators and jump traps? Yes, it must be a set about salmon fishing!

The images in these sets are from our “Pacific Northwest Stream Survey” digital collection, which includes over 1000 field images taken between 1934 and 1945 and spanning the 390 streams in the Columbia River Basin. They are also part of our Western Waters collection in Flickr, which is full of more salmon pics and some great images of dams!

New Flickr Commons Collection: “Western Waters”

Say “welcome!” to a new Flickr Commons collection dedicated to all things water — or at least all things water related … Or at least all things related to waters in the west …

The idea came from OSU Libraries’ own Michael Boock and the members in the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA), who wanted to showcase and spotlight the great collections featured in the Western Waters Digital Library (WWDL). So we’re doing our part to share OSU’s contributions with the Flickrverse!

The images in these sets are from our “Pacific Northwest Stream Survey” digital collection, which includes over 1000 field images taken between 1934 and 1945 and spanning the 390 streams in the Columbia River Basin. But the collection is also part of the Western Waters Digital Library, which includes classic water literature, government reports, legal transcripts, water project records, personal papers, photographic collections, and audio/video materials associated with the major river basins of the Western United States.

Cleverly called “Dam It,” the November 4th set includes images of roaring and rushing water, folks fishing, and a few salmon swimming … Enjoy these 19 images, straight from the late 1930s!

Keep your eyes open and your RSS feeds on, November 18th we’ll launch another set with a new set of images of people fishing at Celilo Fallls. Can’t wait until then? Check out the Celilo Falls images in the Gerald Williams Collection Flickr set, where you’ll find images like this one …

and this one …

and another one of my all-time favorites, this one …

Want to learn more about the Western Waters Digital Library?

Want to learn more about the Greater Western Library Association?

People Doing What?

We’ve launched a new Flickr Commons set in a brand new collection! It’s dedicated to people — and all the stuff they do… Not surprisingly, the collection is called “People Doing Stuff.” The first set is from the Herman Bohlman Collection, and, again not surprisingly, is called “People Doing Stuff in the Herman Bohlman Collection.” 33 images this week, with 30 more to come on the 3rd Wednesday of October (10/21).

Herman Theodore Bohlman was born on April 15, 1872 in Portland, Oregon, and lived there all of his life. He was a lifelong friend of William L. Finley, the renowned ornithologist, naturalist, and conservationist. Bohlman and Finley were co-founders of the North-Western Ornithological Association in 1894 and several accounts tell of Bohlman teaching Finley photography…

The two started photographing birds in the late 1890s and between 1899 and 1908 they made many trips to study and photograph birds. Bohlman’s photographs appeared in U.S. and international magazines, as well as in Finley’s 1907 book, American Birds.

While Bohlman’s collection in the OSU Archives is full of wonderful images of birds found in the Pacific Northwest, it is also a treasure trove of images of “people doing stuff.” Included in the collection are images of the Portland waterfront wharves, Crater Lake, Alaska, the Mazamas in the Mt. Jefferson region, and Bohlman family & friends.

Fun fact: Bohlman was associated with the family’s plumbing business in Portland for over 40 years.

Fun fact: On October 14, 1908 he married Maud Bittleston at the Finley home, Jennings Lodge. They had one son, H. Theodore Bohlman.

Fun fact: The collection consists primarily of lantern slides (mounted & unmounted), glass negatives ranging in size from 3.25×4.25 to 6.5×8.5, and nitrate base film negatives.

Want to read all about our collection?

Want to see our other Flickr Commons set full of Finley & Bohlman’s pretty birds?

Want to know more about William Finley?

Want to find a copy of American Birds?

Common Ground… A mini debrief

In the midst of beautiful fall leaves and the traditional Beaver orange & black, the Library quad was all pink & blue, Flickr-style. It was a lot of work, but from beginning to end it was also a lot of fun! Want to see how fun? Check out the “Common Ground 2009” set in the osu.archives Flickr account.

We had the chance to talk to many many passersby in the afternoon while Media Services and Facilities Services worked their magic with a crane, big screen, and patience during an enormous downpour. Many great conversations were sparked by the prompt “Do you want to know why there’s a big crane?”

The Gazette-Times wrote a great article, “Projecting a Northwest Image,” and indicommons has a complete global debrief from ALL the Common Ground events Friday and Saturday nights.

Sad that you missed the fun? Short on a time machine? You still have two options! You can view all the images selected for Common Ground on this indicommons page or scroll through all the images on Flickr.

Finding your Common Ground!

Hard to believe that after all my posts, the day for Common Ground has arrived… We’ll all be in the Library Quad tonight from 5:00 – 9:00, projecting onto the side of Kidder Hall. And no, it won’t be us on the big screen! You’ll see wonderful, historic pictures from all 27 Flickr Commons member institutions.

Can’t wait and want to see it now? Can’t make it but you still want to see it later? All the images have been tagged tagged in Flickr, so you can view the whole show here. You can run this as a slide show, choose whether you want it sorted by relevancy, recent, or interesting, and then click the slide show icon on the right of the page, sit back, and enjoy. You can also view just OSU Archives’ photos in the show by clicking here.

Oregon Archives Month

October 1st means it’s time to wish you all a happy Oregon Archives Month!

The big Flickr Common Ground slide show is tomorrow from 5:00pm to 9:00pm! You can find out more on our Common Ground site. If you are interested in attending, see you on the south side of Kidder – look for us under the big rain tent (which will be used, undoubtedly, to shield us from moonbeams instead of raindrops). If you can’t make it but know someone who would love to, please pass this on. And yes, we will be raffling off Flickr goodies… For questions, contact Tiah Edmunson-Morton at

If you can’t make it, fear not… There are 3 other events happening throughout October to commemorate Oregon Archives Month!

Glenn Klein and the 1959 4-H Oregon Wagon Trek

Glenn Klein

Imagine a 225-mile journey from Jacksonville to Corvallis on foot, on horseback, and in a conestoga wagon. Hear the story of how the Jackson County 4-H Empirebuilders Club made this 13-day trek in observance of Oregon’s Centennial in 1959. Glenn Klein, Jackson County 4-H Agent and chief organizer of this amazing event, will talk about his adventures “on the road” and show film footage and a slide show of images from the actual trek fifty years ago! Mark your calendars for Thursday, October 8th at noon to 1:00 in the Willamette Room to hear more about this memorable journey.

A recital showcasing OSU student and faculty poets


Hark! Hear the poetic musings of Beaver wordsmiths in a recital of selected poems penned by OSU students and staff. Originally featured in early yearbooks, at roasts of retiring faculty, and department holiday parties, these will be read by volunteers in the Willamette Room on Wednesday, October 14th from noon to 1:00. We encourage anyone interested in participating in this oratorical opportunity (especially as a speaker!) to check out a sampling of poems featured in the PDF document below. If something inspires you to join us with your voice, please let us know! Check the OR Archives Month event site for pdfs of poems.

Historical Recipes Showcase – the 3rd year of the “Taste of the ‘Chives”!


Fools, trifles, syllabubs and other culinary creatures from the 19th century will be highlighted on Wednesday, October 28th in a showcase of historic recipes featured in cookbooks in the Library’s collection dating from 1814 to 1899. This celebration of the pioneer palate will be held from 12:00 to 1:00 in the East Willamette Room on the third floor of the OSU Valley Library. All dishes will be prepared by volunteers and will be available for sampling. Check out the OR Archives Month event site for recipes.

For more on these activities, visit the 2009 OSU Archives Oregon Archives Month Events page.

Common Ground Countdown

It’s true, it’s happening, it’s in one week! And we can’t wait to meet you…

As a Commons member institution, we will show our Common Ground slide show on the south side of Kidder Hall, the building on the north side of the Library Quad on Friday October 2nd. The event time is 5:00pm to 9:00pm. If you want to know more, please check out our Common Ground web page.

Kidder was the site of the library until 1963! Anyone know the answer to this trivia question: where was the library before it was in Kidder? If you know, send me an email to

Want to see us? Check out the new Flickr set… It’s full of Dot heads…

What to expect? What’s happening? Want the specifics? Want ideas?

This is an open and free event similar to an open-air cinema experience — think drive-in without the sound, or cars, or a motion picture.

You need to bring something comfortable to sit on if you’d like to stay for the whole loop — 25 images from 27 Archives, Libraries, and Museums from around the world.

Hungry? Check out food options on campus or local eateries on Monroe Avenue.

We’re Oregonians! If it rains on the night the event will still happen, so look for us under the rain tent!

So what is The Commons again?

It’s hard to imagine there are some out there who might not know given how often I write about Flickr, but The Commons is a program with two main objectives: to increase access to publicly-held photography collections and to provide a way for the general public to contribute information and knowledge to these collections. To learn more, please visit The Commons page at

Going for 300,000 views!

It’s true, we passed the 200,000 view mark last weekend in our Flickr Commons account. It seems like only yesterday that I was writing 100,000 …

What’s coming in Flickr? Trust me when I say that October will be a great month!

October 2nd we are kicking off Oregon Archives month and hosting Common Ground, the multi-continent slideshow with Commons member institution images chosen by the Flickr-verse users. Look for it 5-9 projected onto the side of Kidder Hall — site of the library until 1963. Library and Archives staff will be out in force, with goodies to raffle and great pictures to look at. And, rumor has it zyrcster might make an appearance (yes, a real life Flickr celeb).

What else? Two new sets will launch from our new “People Doing Stuff” collection. Not surprisingly, the images are of people — and they are all doing stuff.

Keep watching this blog for more information on other Oregon Archives Month activities, keep looking at cool digital images, visit the Archives and we’ll show you the old stuff in the boxes! So many choices, so much cool historical stuff.

Oregonians: we read, write, work — and we can cheese?

Check out the latest set in Flickr Commons, Oregon Industries circa 1940. Again, we’re looking at the labors in our land, including textiles, food production, mining, and (of course) a little bit of logging.

Women working at the Portland Woolen Mills,” what a beautiful shot!

This set concludes both the Oregon Industries run, as well as the “Take a Trip: Traveling and touring with the Visual Instruction Lantern Slides Collection” photos we’ve been releasing all summer.

It’s been quite a trip! From the wonders of the Lakeview Terrace of the Lewis and Clark Expo in 1905 …

Or to Table Mountain …

To the rose gardens of Portland …

To the image that will adorn many cards this holiday season!

Thanks for coming along! Watch for a new collection, launching the first Wednesday of October … Sneak peak? Not yet, but I can tell you it is entitled “People Doing Stuff.” Let your imagination go.