It’s Oregon Archives Month 2018!

OSU 150: Hops history open house: Oct 3rd 10:00-2:00 (SCARC foyer)

40082911160_14c5bb1059_oDid you know that Oregon State University has the first archive in the country dedicated to saving and sharing the history of hops and brewing? Visit the OHBA in the Valley Library to learn more about the history of research at OSU and hops throughout the state through a variety of photographs, memorabilia, oral histories, research reports, homebrew club newsletters, books, industry periodicals, and art from breweries throughout the state.

The Oregon Hops and Brewing Archives (OHBA), established in 2013, is the first in the U.S. dedicated to collecting, preserving, and sharing materials that tell the story of Northwest brewing. We document the regional hops and barley farming, craft and home brewing, cider, mead, and the OSU research that dates to the 1890s! Learn more about what you’ll find in the collections at

4-H fashion revueLike, let’s do lunch! 1980s film showing: Oct 12 12:00-1:00 (Willamette East)

Like, let’s do lunch! Step back in time with News and Communications Service totally awesome film footage from the 1980s. Clips include DaVinci Days activities (1989), Art professor Harrison Branch talks with OSU Art students (1986), eavesdropping on curious campus conversations (1986), and aerial footage of campus (1983).

OSU Women exhibit reception Oct 17 4:00-6:00 (SCARC reading room)

Join us to celebrate, consider, and be curious about women’s work, words, communities, professional barriers, heartbreaks, contradictions, achievements, and perseverance. Learn more about the history of women at Oregon State University at the “Women’s Words : Women’s Work” exhibit opening and reception.

  • Treats, coffee, and exhibit tours 4:00-6:00.
  • Exhibit introduction and talk 5:00.

Glitter in the Archives! Using History to Imagine Queer and Trans Futures October 26 2:00-4:00 (SCARC reading room)

osqa glitterJoin the OSU Queer Archives (OSQA) for our annual crafting event using archival materials! Come learn about OSU and Corvallis area queer history and be inspired to imagine, create, and “craft” queer and trans futures.

The Great Beaver Bake Off Oct 31 12:00-1:00 Willamette Rooms.

Join us for the 12th annual archival recipe cooking event! Bring your favorite sweet treat to share. This year will be a baked good bake-off and tasting competition, so bring your best beaver spirit and dress up as your favorite baked good! Get inspired by historic recipes posted on our blog (

#dogaday: vintage dog photos all month long! Instagram @osuscarc

Missing your best canine friend? Celebrate archives this month with some of our very favorite historic dog photos.