What’s new on the Pauling Blog? The Story of Deer Flat Ranch, part 1.

1 deer flat

The kitchen at the Paulings’ original Deer Flat Ranch cabin, 1958.

In 1955, Linus Pauling and his wife Ava Helen headed to Berkeley, California from their home in Pasadena to attend a meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Helen Hay Whitney Foundation. On the drive back from this event, the couple decided to take the scenic route along Highway 1 down the California coast. Passing through the Big Sur area, Pauling noted a point of land projecting into the ocean with a cabin and barn and a herd of grazing cattle. He suggested to his wife that such a location would be ideal as a country home for rest and relaxation. Ava Helen smiled and directed his attention to a For Sale sign on the side of the road.

Want to know more, read part 1 of 3 on the Pauling Blog!