What’s new on the OMA blog? A report for RBMS!

RBMS 2016 Conference, Coral Gables, FL

RBMS 2016 Conference, Coral Gables, FL

This summer the OMA presented at the annual conference for the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).

The OMA presented as part of the session “Short Papers Panel: Diversity and Cultural Communities.” The presentation was “Latinos en Oregón: sus voces, sus historias, su herencia ~ A Latino/a community oral history project.” In 2015 the Oregon Multicultural Archives began a Latino/a community-based oral history project Latinos en Oregón: sus voces, sus historias, su herencia. The project involves partnerships with Oregon State University’s Juntos program, the Canby Public Library, and various organizations within Yamhill County. The presentation focused on the importance of project partners and community liaisons, the relationship and trust building aspects of the project, the lessons learned and suggested best practices based on experience, as well as current models and ideas for the project’s sustainability.

Find out more on the Oregon Multicultural Archives blog!