That’s a lot of video tapes! New additions from KBVR

Several days ago collections archivist Karl McCreary rolled in a dolly of boxes. He left and returned with another dolly of boxes. What’s in the boxes? A whole lot of videotapes!

KBVR, OSU’s student-run tv station is preparing for the closing of Snell Hall and move to the (nearly done!) new Student Experience Center. Karl’s always busy, but the relocation of many student groups and programs over winter break will lead to more accessions from KBVR (e.g. music shows with live bands). He’s also expecting additions from Greek Life and possibly from the Panhellenic Educational Activities Committee.

What’s in the boxes?

Several different formats (VHS, Beta, U-Matic) that are mainly from the 1990s, and a total 8 cubic feet of programs ranging from news programs to music shows, faculty conversations with Gov. Barbara Roberts, ASOSU senate, and nightly news. One to watch for sure is the Ms. OSU pageants, which ended their run in 1993.

I love this label from 1992, which warns us that removing this particular pageant recording from the facility is a no go. It’s okay though, we’re archivists.

I’ll also admit that these two were my favorites of those I saw. I think you’ll see why…

Give us a bit to get these accessioned before storming the gate to get a viewing. If you are anxious just email before making the trip to see if they are available.