Index for the Oregon Stater now online!

We are happy to report that Kevin Miller of the Oregon Stater has shared an index his office compiled — essentially the entire run of the magazine beginning in beginning in 1915! And yes, we’ve put the entire thing online.

The web version is linked on various pages on the SCARC website.

This online resource unlocks a lot of potential that has previously been buried in the card catalog. Not only will we be able to use the  Stater more effectively, but the document itself (all 537 pages) provides a great source of searchable text that will enable serendipitous finds by us and our researchers.

Archives of the OregonStater are available on the OSU Alumni Association site from April 2000 to the present; however, they include only excerpts of each magazine until the April 2006 issue and after are full PDF versions of the magazine as published.

Founded in 1915 by OSU alumnus E.B. Lemon, the Oregon Stater is published by the OSU Alumni Association three times a year (Fall, Winter, Spring) and distributed to all alumni households, and non-alumni members of the association.