Feature from last Friday: Alumni Reunion

Last Friday students from days of yore descended on campus to celebrate their students days at OSU — okay, all but one class is likely to still remember it as OSC…

June 7th and 8th the classes 1963, 1958, 1953, 1948, & 1943 came to campus to relive their student experience, as well as learn what’s going on at OSU today. They took tours, listened to panel discussions about contemporary campus life and research, and they looked at old stuff!

Collections Archivist Karl McCreary has been providing archival materials to enrich their reunion experience since he started in 2000. Mostly, he provides publications like the Fusser Guide, student handbooks, club pubs (Annual Cruise from the College of Forestry), and the campus paper the Barometer. But this year he decided to check out the event himself — and he invited his archival friends!

Tiah & Karl in the class of 1958 alumni gift cart!

We were especially interested in a “Then & Now” panel session with current students and alumni comparing and contrasting their campus experiences. We heard about the cost of college, thoughts on what makes this a special place, thoughts on drinking and the bad behavior of football fans, and future plans of soon-to-be grads.

So what was happening when they were here?

  • In 1963 the “new” Kerr Library building was completed and McNary Hall (a residence hall) opened.
  • In 1958 the School of Forestry, in conjunction with the Swedish Royal College of Forestry, sponsored a Swedish-American Forestry Conference in Stockholm. There were 207 international students from 36 different countries.
  • In 1953 the new football facility, Parker Stadium, (now Reser Stadium) was dedicated on October 24; after its grandstands were removed, Bell Field was used for track & field. Azalea House (women’s co-operative housing) opened in September. It was named for Azalea Sager, a former State Home Economics Leader with the Extension Service, who was “instrumental in promoting interest and obtaining the necessary funds for building and furnishing the house.”
  • In 1948 Sackett Hall (residence hall) was completed and the Adair Tract (6200 acres) was acquired for research and teaching by the Schools of Forestry and Agriculture (this later became known as the Dunn Forest).
  • Finally, in 1943 the school celebrated its 75th year after dedication as a state college. Enrollment was 4,743 (summer-660), there were 611 degrees conferred, and the library collection tallied up to 193,479 volumes!

It was a party!

Oregon Agricultural College alumni who graduated in 1904-1907 returned to campus in June, 1926. The objects of interest at this reunion tent are “old time pictures and mementos” — sound familiar?