Friday Feature: sniffle, sniffle, sneeze, sneeze

Though the clouds still hang low in the mid-Willamette Valley, spring will be upon us soon (someday) and to accompany the colorful array of flowers blooming and birds chirping will be people sneezing…

The Hay Fever Clinic cover, 1987

Yes, that hay fever is a regrettable addition to the bliss that comes with the return of the sun in the Pacific Northwest, but for archivists it comes in a fun package. The booklet The Hay Fever Clinic is a compilation of thank you notes to the Vet Med Department from the 4th grade field trip by Inavale School students in 1987. The children showed their thanks with drawings and notes about what they learned on their field trip. SCARC student worker Susanne Ranseen says “my personal favorites are about necropsy (aka the dead animal surgeries).”

Necropsy, 1987

I, on the other hand, am partial to “The Mysterious Llamas.”

The Mysterious Llamas, 1987

So take a look and enjoy a little Hay Fever this spring.

This recent addition to the College of Veterinary Medicine Records, 1923-1976 (RG 175) hasn’t been fully accessioned, but if you are interested in learning more contact Karl McCreary at