Friday Feature: assorted fun finds

Collections archivist Karl McCreary is spending his morning talking to students about some interesting aspects of OSU history, especially those that pertain to student life in days of yore… In addition to the yearbooks and assorted pamphlets, before he left he shared a couple of fun finds with me.

The first is the “Fussers Guide.” For those of you not in the know, “fussing” is the same as dating. And as this guide is actually a student directory, you can take the linguistic leap to see that the student directory was actually called the “dating directory.” Another fun tidbit is that faculty & staff are also included — and the directory is sure to note if they are married…

The “Coed code,” an indispensable guide for OSU’s female students in those same days of yore, was helpful for guiding behavior. It provided the rules for all sorts of things, including calling hours for male visitors and curfew times. Back by 10 p.m. on weeknights or face staff penalties!