Friday Feature: rolling in the new accessions

It’s that special time of year when archivists get all sorts of wonderful gifts. This year we had an especially good haul from the Facilities Services department, which added many boxes of campus building plans!

Want to know more about campus planning?

In addition to the Facilities Services Records, 1888-2003, there are also several great places to look for information. The Memorabilia Collection includes brochures and general information about Facilities Services, about individual structures, and materials pertaining to campus planning. More detailed information about the construction of some major buildings is available in the records of the corresponding office or department; for example, information about construction and remodeling of the Valley Library (and its predecessors, the Kerr Library and Kidder Hall) are available in the Library Records (RG 009).

Capital Construction Funding Records, as well as other materials pertaining to buildings and facilities, are part of the Business Affairs Records (RG 017). Additional correspondence from Gordon V. Skelton is available in the Civil Engineering Department Records (RG 030).

We also have several great online exhibits for your viewing pleasure including OSU Building Construction and Holsteins, Horses, and Hogs: the Barns of Oregon State. Another resource is the Chronological History of OSU, which is invaluable for those landmark dates, developments, and events.