Time to taste those ‘chives!

Fall in all its fiery hues and cold winds makes for good cooking when we look to the old standards to fill us up and keep us cozy.

So it is in this spirit, that we bring to you the annual Taste of the ‘Chives Recipe Showcase!

You too can join us in sampling (AND COOKING!) dishes inspired by recipes featured in a variety of OSU sources from Extension circulars to student organization cookbooks to faculty newsletters.

  • When? Monday, October 29th, Noon to 1:00
  • Where? Willamette Rooms-third floor of the Library

Samplers are always welcome, but cooks are super-welcome!

So if you want to try your hand at recreating the flavors of the past, there many sources of online recipes in ScholarsArchive: http://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/xmlui/

  • Hint: search using words of foods like “carrots” or things like “menu” or “cookbook.”
This year we’re adding an element of competition to the event, so you can vote for the tastiest dish with your pocket change which will be donated to the Linn Benton Food Share to keep other bellies filled. There will be prizes to the cooks of the top five yummiest dishes!  

Any questions? Contact Karl McCreary, OSU Collections Archivist.

Hope to see you there!