Carry Me Back

"Carry Me Back" alma mater song

Although the hoopla surrounding graduation and the end of the term are behind us, we’re still basking in some intense school spirit, humming, and getting carried back…

“Carry me Back,” the 1917 alma mater of Oregon Agricultural College, was written by W. Homer Maris while he was a graduate student at OAC and a member of a popular campus male quartet. The song was first presented publicly by the quartet at a general convocation of students and faculty. Maris earned a graduate degree from OAC in 1918, and died in a tragic bicycle/automobile accident in Tacoma in 1933. His brother, Paul V. Maris, was director of the OAC Extension Service from 1920-1934. His wife, Buena Margason Maris, later served as Dean of Women at OSC from 1941-1948.

Maris’ alma mater also enjoyed a longstanding tradition of being sung after every football game to the band’s accompaniment — no leaving early to avoid the crowd! The tradition has had its fair share of declines and revivals… Today, the tradition has been partially revived and the band, regardless of victory or defeat, solemnly plays the Alma Mater after each game, although only a handful of fans remain to hear it played.

So stick around or take a listen!

During the 20th century, spirit at Oregon State went through a lot of change as many traditions have come and gone. Some of the traditions have involved athletics, while others have simply embraced our alma mater. Enjoy your daily sampling of some of guest blogger Ben Forgard’s favorites!