School Traditions at OSU #1

Fire in downtown corvallis, 1930

Fire in downtown corvallis, 1930

No Smoking!

In 1890, faculty at the State Agricultural College (now OSU) worried about an alarming habit gaining in popularity relating to dried leaves of “Nicotiana Tabacuni,” formally banned smoking from campus. Although technically more of a rule than a tradition, it was often fondly recalled as a valuable tradition. As class structure (graduation class, not social class) altered during and after World War II (some “Rooks” were not 18 and fresh out of highschool, but in many cases were older than upperclassmen, and had war-time experience), the rule relaxed, first with designated smoking areas in 1944, and then further in 1947 when the ban was lifted after a student vote. By the mid-1960s, there were even ashtrays located throughout the MU. Despite the changes, smoking has never been allowed in the classroom.

During the 20th century, spirit at Oregon State went through a lot of change as many traditions have come and gone. Some of the traditions have involved athletics, while others have simply embraced our alma mater. Enjoy your daily sampling of some of guest blogger Ben Forgard’s favorites!