
We left you hanging with new online exhibits, new collection guides, and some mountains in the Holy Lands — and yes, that was a long, long time ago …

So what has been going on in the Archives since then? New students have been hired and others have finished their internship projects, vacations have been taken, public school children have returned to their scholarly pursuits, and we are all jazzed up to start another great academic school year with Benny the Beaver finding historical materials and all those in Beaver Land lining up to do some research!

Benny Pointing to box

Elizabeth has continued to produce great collections guides, as we now fully expect that she will every month… You can read about them all in the August 2010 Finding Aid file.

We also added one last set, Rivers of the World, to the Take a Trip: Traveling and touring with the Visual Instruction Lantern Slides Collection.

Calcutta, Delta of the Ganges

And to start off the month right (or to celebrate the middle of the month right?), we’re celebrating what was billed in 1910 to be “a frontier exhibition of picturesque pastimes, Indian and military spectacles, cowboy racing and bronco busting for the championship of the Northwest.” Oh yes, I’m talking about the 100th Anniversary of the Pendleton Round-Up.

Gorgeous images of women in their fullest regalia!
Indian women view ceremonial dance

Ladies in a line!
line horses

Men on bucking broncos!

A man and his mule?

Man with donkey

There is something for everyone in this set. And for those who want even more — isn’t there always even more to be wanted?

Oregon Public Broadcasting has a new Oregon Experience piece entitled “Oregon Experience: The Wild West Way.”And yes, you can now watch it online!

OregonLive has a great group of blog posts pertaining to the Round-Up.

There is a nice Wikipedia article on the Round-Up for those who want a short synopsis, a few pictures, and lots of links to rodeo related articles.

And, as you might expect, the Round-Up site itself has a great history section

As they say “Let ‘er buck!” — oh, and enjoy the images!