From Japan to Denmark

We’ve made good use of our virtual frequent flier miles over the past few weeks! Jetting from Japan to Denmark for two great big new Flickr Commons sets.

The first set of images from Japan, taken and used in lectures during the early part of the 20th century, are both gorgeously hand-colored and delightfully informative!

There are some amazing images of Tokyo and city life, but you’ll also find some shots of the countryside — including that famous Mt. Fuji!

There are also bridges and a even a few Buddhas.

There are people learning & people in costumes, people playing & people worshiping. You’ll also find lovely images of Geishas and Buddhist priests, as well as historic art pictures (mainly pottery).

Quite a few things made me happy in the Archives, but the second set — hand-colored slides from Denmark — topped the list this week…

It’s an eclectic collection from the early portion of the 20th century, but one that really captures the spirit of a beautiful country. And who doesn’t love a windmill?

Want to see a Technicolor yellow of a restaurant scene?

Or the thatched roofs of countryside homes or a transplanted house from Iceland? Factories for butter, eggs, bacon? Yes, we have shots of those! You’ll also find cows, farms, fertilizer, and a few fields of sugar beets

Schools, principals, libraries? You’ll find those as well!

Speaking of learning, check out a wonderful statue of Hans Christian Andersen

or the Lyngby Agricultural Museum

Remember, all the image descriptions and titles are taken straight from the lecture booklet used by instructors in the 1920s and 1930s, so if you know anything more please share!