Happy Commonsversary to us!

We’re no longer babes in Flickr Commons! February 14th, 2009 seems like ages ago – and I can say that we’ve learned a lot, interacted a lot, winced a lot, and smiled a lot in the last year. Want to see all the OSU Archives images in Flickr Commons?

To celebrate, we rolled out the big SmartBoard and played a slideshow in the lobby of the Valley Library, looping through all we have to offer … Though not all the people reading this blog are in Corvallis — or within walking, running, biking, bus riding, driving, flying distance.

Want to read the “tribute” to our first year on the Flickr Commons user blog? Read the indicommons post, which sums up our first year, our mission, and all the things that make us so delightfully unique!

And, for those of you who want to see the slideshow yourself, check out our photostream and click the “Slideshow” link.

But that’s not all! We have a whole second account full of historic and contemporary photos!

We’re ready for another great year, one with lots of fun photos and feedback from all of you.

  • Have an idea for a set? Let us know.
  • Have some thoughts on the kinds of photos you’d like to see us add? Let us know.
  • Have some inside information or experiences you want to share? Let us know.