Oregon Archives Month

October 1st means it’s time to wish you all a happy Oregon Archives Month!

The big Flickr Common Ground slide show is tomorrow from 5:00pm to 9:00pm! You can find out more on our Common Ground site. If you are interested in attending, see you on the south side of Kidder – look for us under the big rain tent (which will be used, undoubtedly, to shield us from moonbeams instead of raindrops). If you can’t make it but know someone who would love to, please pass this on. And yes, we will be raffling off Flickr goodies… For questions, contact Tiah Edmunson-Morton at tiah.edmunson-morton@oregonstate.edu.

If you can’t make it, fear not… There are 3 other events happening throughout October to commemorate Oregon Archives Month!

Glenn Klein and the 1959 4-H Oregon Wagon Trek

Glenn Klein

Imagine a 225-mile journey from Jacksonville to Corvallis on foot, on horseback, and in a conestoga wagon. Hear the story of how the Jackson County 4-H Empirebuilders Club made this 13-day trek in observance of Oregon’s Centennial in 1959. Glenn Klein, Jackson County 4-H Agent and chief organizer of this amazing event, will talk about his adventures “on the road” and show film footage and a slide show of images from the actual trek fifty years ago! Mark your calendars for Thursday, October 8th at noon to 1:00 in the Willamette Room to hear more about this memorable journey.

A recital showcasing OSU student and faculty poets


Hark! Hear the poetic musings of Beaver wordsmiths in a recital of selected poems penned by OSU students and staff. Originally featured in early yearbooks, at roasts of retiring faculty, and department holiday parties, these will be read by volunteers in the Willamette Room on Wednesday, October 14th from noon to 1:00. We encourage anyone interested in participating in this oratorical opportunity (especially as a speaker!) to check out a sampling of poems featured in the PDF document below. If something inspires you to join us with your voice, please let us know! Check the OR Archives Month event site for pdfs of poems.

Historical Recipes Showcase – the 3rd year of the “Taste of the ‘Chives”!


Fools, trifles, syllabubs and other culinary creatures from the 19th century will be highlighted on Wednesday, October 28th in a showcase of historic recipes featured in cookbooks in the Library’s collection dating from 1814 to 1899. This celebration of the pioneer palate will be held from 12:00 to 1:00 in the East Willamette Room on the third floor of the OSU Valley Library. All dishes will be prepared by volunteers and will be available for sampling. Check out the OR Archives Month event site for recipes.

For more on these activities, visit the 2009 OSU Archives Oregon Archives Month Events page.