Common Ground Countdown

It’s true, it’s happening, it’s in one week! And we can’t wait to meet you…

As a Commons member institution, we will show our Common Ground slide show on the south side of Kidder Hall, the building on the north side of the Library Quad on Friday October 2nd. The event time is 5:00pm to 9:00pm. If you want to know more, please check out our Common Ground web page.

Kidder was the site of the library until 1963! Anyone know the answer to this trivia question: where was the library before it was in Kidder? If you know, send me an email to

Want to see us? Check out the new Flickr set… It’s full of Dot heads…

What to expect? What’s happening? Want the specifics? Want ideas?

This is an open and free event similar to an open-air cinema experience — think drive-in without the sound, or cars, or a motion picture.

You need to bring something comfortable to sit on if you’d like to stay for the whole loop — 25 images from 27 Archives, Libraries, and Museums from around the world.

Hungry? Check out food options on campus or local eateries on Monroe Avenue.

We’re Oregonians! If it rains on the night the event will still happen, so look for us under the rain tent!

So what is The Commons again?

It’s hard to imagine there are some out there who might not know given how often I write about Flickr, but The Commons is a program with two main objectives: to increase access to publicly-held photography collections and to provide a way for the general public to contribute information and knowledge to these collections. To learn more, please visit The Commons page at