Going for 300,000 views!

It’s true, we passed the 200,000 view mark last weekend in our Flickr Commons account. It seems like only yesterday that I was writing 100,000 …

What’s coming in Flickr? Trust me when I say that October will be a great month!

October 2nd we are kicking off Oregon Archives month and hosting Common Ground, the multi-continent slideshow with Commons member institution images chosen by the Flickr-verse users. Look for it 5-9 projected onto the side of Kidder Hall — site of the library until 1963. Library and Archives staff will be out in force, with goodies to raffle and great pictures to look at. And, rumor has it zyrcster might make an appearance (yes, a real life Flickr celeb).

What else? Two new sets will launch from our new “People Doing Stuff” collection. Not surprisingly, the images are of people — and they are all doing stuff.

Keep watching this blog for more information on other Oregon Archives Month activities, keep looking at cool digital images, visit the Archives and we’ll show you the old stuff in the boxes! So many choices, so much cool historical stuff.