The Interactive Archivist

Yesterday someone pointed out that the last two blog posts were all about books I was reading or wanted to read — so to divert slightly from that pattern I wanted to point to something I actually wrote! The Interactive Archivist, a Society of American Archivists e-publication, was just released.

And it happens to be all about how archivists interact with users with Web2.0 tools.

And it happens to feature a chapter by me comparing Flickr and the Libraries’ image management system (CONTENTdm).

[me smiling because I am thrilled with the project — and always happy to talk about Flickr]

Of course, it’s not all by me or about Flickr, you can also read how archivists are using tools like wikis, podcasts, RSS, blogs, mashups, social networking, and other online photo management sites.

Here’s the official blurb on the SAA site:

The Interactive Archivist: Case Studies in Utilizing Web 2.0 to Improve the Archival Experience, edited by J. Gordon Daines III and Cory L. Nimer.

“Blogs, wikis, podcasts, social networking sites, and a host of other Web 2.0 technologies have revolutionized the way that students and scholars access information. This innovative e-publication introduces archivists to practical solutions for integrating Web 2.0 technologies into their everyday work. Featuring case studies by archivists discussing actual implementations of Web 2.0 technologies it is sure to foster an ongoing dialogue about the best ways to meet patron needs.”

This e-publication is available at