New Exhibit at LaSells Stewart Center

The OSU Archives has a lot of great images of food…

Want to see Braceros workers harvesting potatoes? A 1920s Horticulture show in the Men’s Gymnasium main floor?

And what about canning? Perhaps you are interested in a portable community cannery? Or other canning shots of women canning beans, a woman canning cheese, canned maraschino cherries?

But what if you want some contemporary images? A new exhibit, featuring the bounty of Oregon agriculture and a reflection of the role Oregon State University’s agricultural research plays in sustaining our state’s rich farming heritage opens today. After a show in the Murdoch Gallery at the LaSells Stewart Center at Oregon State University, the Savory Images photo exhibit begins a tour across the state and is available for month-long display during 2009-2010, free of charge.

Photos are by award-winning photographer Lynn Ketchum and from the pages of the acclaimed magazine Oregon’s Agricultural Progress. Check out the site for the traveling exhibit — it’s beautiful! Just make sure your stomach is full…