Speaking of historic places…

The Whiteside Theatre Foundation has received a $5000 grant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation to help pay for a structural evaluation of the vintage Corvallis movie palace. The 87-year-old theater, shut down seven years ago, needs renovation work, and foundation fundraisers say this grant is a key first step in that process.

And that’s not all, because the grant award followed another piece of good news for the theater: the Whiteside has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places!

whiteside-2.jpg To learn more, visit the Whiteside Theatre website.

And yes, they have a Flickr-based photo tour!

To read more about the new grant, read the Gazette Times article “Grant plants seed for Whiteside.”
To see the National Register of Historic Places application, which has tons of great information about the building and its history, check out the application pdf (warning, it’s a decent-sized download).