NAGARA Launches Online Document Library Where Users May Share Archives Publications

The National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA) has launched an online document library, which allows people to share archives and records management publications. Visit to learn about subjects such as accessibility, advocacy, electronic records, disaster preparedness, electronic records, facilities, files management, grants, historical records, inactive records, local government records, microfilm, preservation, legal issues, retention, scanning and digitization, security, storage, training, and miscellaneous. Only documents in the public domain may be uploaded on this site, or copyrighted documents posted by the owner of the copyright. Currently, the library houses nearly 300 documents, with new additions almost daily. As content grows, the site administrators will add new subject categories and/or subdivide existing categories.

The site was built in partial response to a 2008 recommendation of the Council of State Archivists’ “Closest to Home” Task Force on Archival Programs for Local Governments to “develop a coordinated plan for a portal to provide access to web-based resources on local government archives,” but as content expanded, the site has proven to be of interest to archivists from other fields as well.

No registration is required to download documents; however, if you would like to upload documents you must be registered.