The grand recap: what happened in the Archives last month?

Historic Walking Tour 2008I wanted to personally thank everyone who participated in our Oregon Archives Month activities! Bookended by building tours, the month was full of walks, eats, and fun.

Starting us off on October 8th, Larry led us on a historic building tour. Not only did we learn something, the clear blue skies and early fall colors made for a great walk! For those of you who couldn’t make it, please visit the Flickr photo site and check it out! You can also see tour photos and historic archives photos on our Flickr Map. On the map you’ll find the locations for the images that you see in the slide at the bottom of your screen; to see more images and their locations, use the left or right arrows to change the images and the map.

And, of course, who can forget the Taste of the ‘Chives? Campus and community guests joined us to sample a bit of history. Again, for those of you who weren’t there, please check out the Gazette-Times article (look to the bottom for the video) and visit our Flickr site for pictures and recipes. There are also plenty of recipes on our blog—an entire month, in fact!

October 22nd brought “reel” fun and four great movies from our collections featuring Mount McKinley National Park, Cowboys in Central Oregon, National Dairy Champions (circa 1925), and an odd early Disney short from the 1920s. If you are looking for more films you can watch from the comfort of your chair, check out our freshly digitized films:

And last, but not least, was last night’s ghost tour—led by me! No pictures on the Flickr site yet, but we did make the front page of the Gazette-Times and the Barometer. To quote the G-T: “Nighttime tour of OSU shows the spooky side of Oregon State University.” Yes, people were scared, very scared! From Benton Hall and the ghostly sounds of band practice to personal stories of fright in front of Waldo, it was quite fun. We had about 40 join us to wander around campus before the rains hit…