What else is happening this month? Oregon Archives Events

Dance ContestTomorrow: Taste of the ‘Chives: A Historical Recipes Showcase

Our tastiest offering in observance of Oregon’s heritage this year will be a showcase of historical recipes from Extension publications, USDA Farmer’s Bulletins, and other gems from collections in the Archives and the Library. Sample all manner of sweet and savory treats that were featured in bulletins printed from 1916 to 1939 for use by various audiences, including Boys’ and Girls’ Industrial Clubs, World War One era homemakers looking for wheat and meat substitutes, and aficionados of cheese.

There are plenty of recipes still available and we would love to see more featured in this smorgasbord of bygone tastes! If you want to bring historical tastes back to life, please stop by the Archives Reference Desk on the third floor and ask for the recipe folder. If some dish deeply intrigues you, we can make a copy for you and sign you up- if nothing else they make for fun and interesting reading!

Friday, October 17, 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM in the Willamette Seminar Room East, 3rd floor of The Valley Library

October 22: Archives Film Fest: Join Karl McCreary again to watch 4 short films from the OSU Archives collections. Wednesday, October 22, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM in the Willamette Seminar Room East, 3rd floor of The Valley Library

October 30: Haunting for History: Get scared senseless with tales of terror! Grab your flashlight and join Tiah Edmunson-Morton for a ghostly tour through the 2 main campus quads. Thursday, October 30, 6:30PM – 7:30 PM, meet in the Archives on the 3rd floor of The Valley Library