National Library Week

Valley Rotunda Construction.jpgIn 1880, the Adelphian Literary Society acquired the Corvallis Library Association’s Library; ten years later, that 605-volume library was transferred to Oregon Agricultural College. By 1899, when the first full-time, nonstudent librarian, Arthur Stimpson, was appointed, the collection had grown to 3000 volumes and 500 pamphlets & bulletins. The first professional librarian, Ida A. Kidder, was appointed in 1908.

Initially housed in the Administration Building (now Benton Hall), a new building for the library was constructed in 1918 with funds from the Oregon Legislative Assembly. The library was named Kidder Hall, in honor of Ida Kidder; in 1954, the library was re-named for William Jasper Kerr, president of OSU from 1907-1932 and first chancellor of the State System of Higher Education.

Although an additional west wing was added to the library building in 1941, as the collection and library staff expanded, space was tight. In the late 1950s, once again the university began planning for a new library building. It was completed in 1963, and expanded in 1971.

Predictably, the demand for space increased again the late 1980s. In 1993, the Legislative Assembly approved funds for further expansion and renovation of the library building. Owing to the success of a fundraising campaign to raise private money to match state funds, expansion efforts began in 1996 and were completed in 1999. The Kerr Library was renamed the Valley Library in 1995 in honor of the Wayne and Gladys Valley Family, whose foundation donated $10 million to library expansion efforts.

To find out more about the Library, check out the collection guide for RG 009.