Cultural Research Project – Radia Perlman

Radia Perlman is a well known trailblazer of the creation of the internet. Often referred to as the “Mother of the Internet”, she is an author to many network engineering protocol books, as well as the inventor of STP protocol. I chose her for my cultural research project because of the importance of her contributions to the field of computer science and when I met her, her talk was inspirational.

I was fortunate enough to meet her and listen to one of her presentations when I was interning at Intel!
I was fortunate enough to meet her and listen to one of her presentations when I was interning at Intel!


Week 1 – Setting up for Class

Hello everyone! This is a blog that I am going to use for my OSU online class called Gender and Technology (WGSS 320).

So far it has been fairly easy to set up this blog. I used OSU’s free WordPress blog server to host this site and after logging in and following a little self guided tour everything has been going smoothly!

In addition to setting up a blog for the class I revamped the signature to my school email, adding the OSU logo and changing my title from “engineering student” to “computer science student”.

Another small project for the class was setting up the text-to-speech on my computer. Personally the default text-to-speech program with Windows 8 is a little annoying and difficult to navigate and use. I don’t think that I will use it in the future unless I am not doing anything else on my computer at the time.

I am looking forward to a great term and can’t wait to see what I am going to learn!