I have approximately five weeks left working with SASC, time has flown by. I’ve learned SO much since becoming an intern. I have a firm grasp on how tasks are completed at the facility, but there are several opportunities coming up that will allow me to improve my professional learning in the latter part of my internship.
I believe I’ve mentioned that a fellow intern and I have created a study design to investigate capture and handling stress of snorkeling and angling on dark shysharks (Haploblepharus pictus). We are responsible for producing the objectives, aims, research question, hypothesis, methods, contingency and budget plan for the entire study. By doing so I’ve exercised some of the ideals taught at Oregon State University (OSU). However, we are now in the process of implementing the pilot study that may change our experimental design all together (we are already back at the drawing board..). Creating this study has broaden my professional learning because it has shown me firsthand that science is fluid and ever-changing. I expect that my professional learning will improve as we collect experimental data, trench through statistical analysis, and create a presentation of the findings. These are valuable skills that I am glad I am test driving at the conservancy where there is plenty of guidance and room for mistakes.

Check her out on Instagram @naomigtea
In addition, the entirety of SASC will be attending the Southern African Shark and Ray Symposium. I have attended one other professional conference that focused on fisheries management in the Pacific Northwest, thus I am excited to see what is currently taking place across South Africa. The conference will provide me with the opportunity to explore my professional persona, including my mastered elevator speech, and connect with international professionals.

I am looking forward to elevating my professional learning in the coming months and portraying my skills to OSU, SASC, family, and friends by the end of my internship.