Finger-Lickin’ Nachos

Have you ever been craving the perfect, country style snack for after school or to power you through a late night of studying? I

Trust me, I have!

Therefore, I have come up with a solution for you. It was an idea that I got from my cousin Rachel, she showed up at Thanksgiving with these delicious nachos. Yes, nachos at Thanksgiving! I was a little perturbed at first, “That isn’t Thanksgiving food!” Then, when you think about my family and Thanksgiving, I realized that it was kind of perfect. You see, we spend the whole day watching the Purina Dog Show before we spend the rest of the day watching football and basketball. Nachos are the perfect snack to have when you are watching TV or reading long textbooks and studying.

These nachos may not be perfect if you need to be typing on a computer or touching a lot of things because they can get a tad bit messy. Spread out all of your paperwork though and you are good to go as you study the night away.

What you need is the Jack Daniels pulled pork or shredded chicken packets. You can get this at Costco fairly inexpensively for a pac of 3 that you can keep for months in your freezer.

I used the shredded chicken version.

I used the shredded chicken version.

Pull out one packet, stab it with some “I’m tired of studying” energy with a knife to poke some holes in it, place it in a microwave safe bowl and nook it for 4 minutes or so.


In the Oven (preheat to 375 degrees):

This is the best way to make potluck style nachos.

You need one bag of “scoop” chips, the ones that look like little bowls.

Lay the chips out on a baking tray.

Dish a small amount of meet mixture in each of the scoops.

Top each scoop with a pinch of cheese.

Bake 10 minutes or so until everything is hot and melted.




If you are like me, you just want a HUGE messy plate of nachos. Put down a layer of chips (I suggest Juanitas), randomly dollop chicken on the chips, sprinkle with cheese, put a smaller layer of chips on, dollop some more chicken on the chips, and coat it with a good amount of cheese. Place in the microwave for 2-3 minutes until the cheese is melted.

Assembly station.

Assembly station.



Best nachos that you could ever have in about 10 minutes!

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