If you are interested in the availability of Graduate Research Assistantships in the Roby Lab at the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, please be aware of the following. In the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at OSU, admission to a graduate program in Wildlife Science is predicated on a faculty member agreeing to provide tuition and stipend support throughout the candidate’s program of study. Please visit the Department’s webpage on how to apply to a graduate program for more information on departmental requirements. Please go to the web site on graduate faculty in Avian Conservation and Management to learn more about the expertise available in this field. This is a clear strength at OSU in general and in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife in particular. Also, please go to the web site for the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife to learn more about the other faculty and areas of expertise in the Department. For more information on the current research program in the Roby Lab, please explore this web site. Due to funding constraints, Dr. Roby cannot accept all qualified prospective graduate students who wish to join the lab. The individuals who have worked with the Roby Lab previously and demonstrated their interest, ability, and commitment are most competitive when new support for graduate students does become available. Due to the large investment in time, energy, and resources that each graduate student represents, Dr. Roby has found that this procedure allows him to verify the motivation of prospective graduate students for success in the field of Wildlife Ecology. If you are interested in applying for a field research position with the Roby Lab for the coming field season, please contact Dr. Roby. We appreciate your interest in the Roby Lab and wish you all the best in your efforts to secure a rewarding and challenging position as a candidate for a graduate degree in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation.


Contact information:

Daniel D. Roby, Professor
Unit Leader-Wildlife
U.S. Geological Survey-Oregon Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
104 Nash Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon 97331-3803 USA
Phone: 541-737-1955
Fax: 541-737-3590
Email: Daniel.Roby@oregonstate.edu