When conducting research for my Gender Lens project, I found it insanely difficult to find information regarding how USB flash drives are produced and what sort of materials go into their construction. I did, however, find several blogs that expressed people’s concern over the chance that these companies are using harsh chemicals in an environment not safe for the workers. I also found several sources confirming that USB flash drives are insanely difficult to recycle, which is why many advocate for their reuse instead. One organization is looking into reformatting old USB flash drives into educational devices for children (check my project for more!).
I think that manufacturing companies need to be more transparent to the public about the kinds of materials they use and what sort of conditions their workers are subjected to. Many of these plants exist outside the United States and are subjected to lower standards in regards to worker safety. If companies are more honest about their practices in manufacturing USB flash drives, I think it would open a new market for creating new flash drives made out of “friendlier” materials or ones that are produced in a plant where workers are treated fairly.
In looking forward toward the Financial Analysis project, one of my biggest dreams right now is to own my own place. In the condominium that I currently live in, I have the option to rent-to-own. I’d be interested in learning more about this option, and figuring out what kind of budget I would have to follow.