To mark 100 episodes of PolliNation we have assembled the dedicated faculty from OSU to answer your questions:
- Lincoln Best (Taxonomist, Oregon Bee Atlas),
- Dr. Sandra DeBano (OSU Terrestrial Invertebrate Ecology Lab, Hermiston),
- Jennifer Holt (Oregon Master Beekeepers, Oregon Bee Project, Oregon Bee Atlas)
- Dr. Gail Langellotto (OSU Master Gardeners and Garden Ecology Lab),
- Dr. Andrew Moldenke (OSU Insect Ecology),
- Dr. Ramesh Sagili (OSU Apiculture Lab),
Thanks again to Sean Rooney from The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) for hosting us at Bug Week and for all the people who submitted questions for the show. We always love your questions, so keep them rolling.
Links Mentioned:
Do bees dream? The article Jennifer Holt mentions is: Kaiser, W., 1988. Busy bees need rest, too. Journal of Comparative physiology A, 163(5), pp.565-584.
Megachilid Bees in the Pacific Northwest: An Introduction (OSU Extension, 2016)
Nurturing Mason Bees in Your Backyard in Western Oregon (OSU Extension, 2016)
Example of wooden blocks with different hole sizes mentioned by Lincoln Best during the show.