Today on the show we explore bees and their social impact.

In 2012, Sarah Common co-founded Hives for Humanity Society, alongside her mother, Julia, in response to a gap she saw in opportunities for connection to nature, to community and to meaningful work for marginalized citizens.

She has coordinated partnerships between a variety of organizations and businesses, developing programming that builds self-worth and community pride.

We talk about how it got founded, how it works, and tips for other groups looking to do something similar in their communities.

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“We are looking to enhance communities through apiculture.” – Sarah Common

Show Notes:

  • How beekeeping can keep people healthy as well
  • What her organization does to bring together marginalized communities
  • How planting seeds creates a transformative moment for disadvantages communities
  • Why you have to be focused when handling bees and how it helps people stay present
  • What’s been the hardest thing about getting this garden project growing
  • How she pulled together the resources to get this projected started in the community
  • How the beekeeping community has responded to this project
  • What is specific about keeping bees in this part of Vancouver, BC
  • What the project is doing to collaborate with professors and other experts
  • Where they want the Society to be in the future
  • How to get the project to a point where it will be self-sustaining
  • What foundations could do to better support the organizations

“Holding a frame of hundreds of living, vibrating, colorful bees creates an interaction and a responsibility that builds self worth .” – Sarah Common

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