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Ch Ch Ch Changes……

March 4th, 2009

I came across this great article on measuring ROI of on-line buzz. Measuring Social Media

Within the document is a link to the slides of a PR News Workshop given by KDPaine & Partners, Web-based measurement firm. I thought is was a worthwhile read. Included is a link to “Measuring the ROI of social media.” .   Below is a David Letterman list from the slides that I thought was worthy of repeating.

10 signs that this is the end of the world as we know it
10. Business Week writes a story about Twitter on Twitter
9. Gatekeepers? What’s a gate keeper? Deadline? What’s a deadline?
8.A start up company got 100 great marketing ideas for free from Twitter & Two women
raised over $6000 in a day Twittering about frozen peas
7. $0-budget YouTube videos about Barack Obama were seen by 120 times the audience of
Hilary Clinton’s “largest town hall meeting in US history” that cost millions
6. IBM receives more leads, sales and exposure from a $500 podcast than it does from an
5. Procter & Gamble is “co-creating” all its marketing with its customers
4. Advertisers are starting to admit that all their measures are flawed
3.Google has replaced the thesaurus, the encyclopedia, the dictionary and my short term
2.Wikipedia is nearly as accurate and just as credible as the Encyclopedia Brittannica and
a lot more people use it.
1. Measurement is easy

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