Oregon State University
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Harnessing Technology for Environmental Health Outreach & Engagement

Hawaii in October for Podcamp?

September 19th, 2008

Ok, who wants to go play in Hawaii? I met Rox, from Beach Walks with Rox, at the Podcast and New Media Expo in 2007. She shared information about creating a vodcast series.
Rox is on the video below talking about the upcoming Podcamp and Wordcamp event in Honolulu on Oct. 24-25, 2008. Rox is walking on Kailua Beach on the windward side of Oahu. My brother and his family actually live off of this beach.


One response to “Hawaii in October for Podcamp?”

  1. Hi Naomi,

    Thanks for mentioning our Podcamp in Hawaii! Are you coming??? Looks like you have a free (and top 10) place to stay. 🙂

    Would love to have you speak especially. Here is the Podcamp Hawaii web site and if you click on the Wiki link you will see the Speaker’s Page.



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