
Becoming a Brother

The pledging process for becoming a member of Beta Iota is a time for learning, compromise and adjustment to fraternal life. Prospective brothers of Beta Iota will go through a fraternal education program that consists of weekly meetings and quizzes to further advance their knowledge of Phi Delta Chi and all of our proceedings. Hazing is absolutely prohibited during this process. Phi Delta Chi defines hazing as any situation created or action taken which intentionally, on or off a college campus, produces physical or mental harm, public embarrassment or ridicule, or any activity on the part of prospective brothers which may violate any local, state, or federal law, including fraternity and college rules. Each prospective brother will be assigned a designated Big Brother that will help guide them and serve as their advocate within the fraternity during the pledging process. The pledge manual is the most essential guide during this process and all of the questions for the weekly quizzes will come from information within the manual. At the end of the fraternal education period, all successful pledges will be initiated into the Beta Iota chapter of Phi Delta Chi during a traditional initiation ceremony. For more information on this process, or to express interest in joining, please contact our WMA Erin Reason and WIG Lia Robichaud

More information on Phi Delta Chi, including recent news and events, can be found on their website and Facebook page!

If you would like to know more about our Beta Iota chapter, please email us at

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Professional Pharmacy Fraternity – Beta Iota Chapter