

Worthy Chief Counselor (WCC)

Rachael Lundy

Responsibilities include:

  • Serve as the chairperson of the Executive Committee.
  • Recognize the leadership potential in all Brothers and facilitate individuals’ journey to find and develop this potential through the activity of the Chapter.
  • Appoint Brothers to committees who will work conscientiously and industriously for the harmonious advancement of chapter and give prompt attention to all grievances, which might cause dissension. In making committee appointments, the WCC should take into consideration the workload and abilities of each Brother. The first goal is to make assignments to develop each Brother. The second goal is to accomplish the most work through that committee.
  • Write meeting agendas and preside over meetings or appoint others to preside at meetings, if appropriate.
  • Communicate with the Regional Correspondent or Regional Team at on a regular basis as determined by the Team.
  • Contribute to the preparation of the Collegiate Prospective Brothers for the Formal Initiation.
  • Establish morale, financial condition, scholastic standing, social life, aggressiveness in college activities, and general progress or decline of the Chapter.
  • Motivate and coordinate the enthusiasm, abilities, and efforts of all the Brothers of the Chapter.
  • Speak with authority concerning all phases of the chapter’s activities and represent the Chapter to the Dean, the faculty, and others as appropriate.
  • Triage all WCC materials to your successor in a timely manner following chapter elections.
  • Mentor your WCC successor and contribute to his or her foundation for successful outcomes.

Worthy Vice Counselor (WVC)

Alam Nagra

Responsibilities include:

  • In this role, the WVC acts as a liaison between each committee chair and the Executive Committee. The WVC should work with all committee chairs to develop each committee fully.
  • Serve as a member of the Scholarship and Executive Committees.
  • Succeed the WCC in case of his/her absence, as well as, assist him/her in the performance of his/her regular duties.
  • Join the WCC in representing the Chapter to the Dean, the faculty, and others.
  • Assess the Chapter to proactively identify problem development, to see where more activity or work is needed, and then help reallocate resources to accomplish this work.
  • Encourage the development of new ideas and innovations by challenging Brothers to excel.
  • Triage all WVC materials to your successor in a timely manner following chapter elections.
  • Mentor your WVC successor and contribute to his or her foundation for successful outcomes.

Worthy Keeper of Finance (WKF) 

Shay Tikeya

Responsibilities include:

  • Serve as a member of the Executive and Finance/Fundraising Committee.
  • Collect all chapter dues. If a Brother is experiencing severe financial hardship, it is the responsibility of the Chapter and its officers (primarily the WCC and WKF) to work out a solution to help the Brother meet his/her obligation to the Chapter.
  • Retain chapter checkbook.
  • Manage the disbursement of all funds according to submitted receipts and chapter budget.
  • Present reports of balances due; bank account balances, and other indications of financial status at the chapter’s meetings.
  • Prepare payment of the National Initiation Fee for each new initiate for submission by the WKRS within 72 hours after initiation.
  • Prepare payment of the National Operating Dues (NODs) at the appropriate time.
  • Submit the National Alumni Dues (NODs) for each year’s class of graduating Brothers.
  • Determine and monitor the financial status of the Chapter to maintain the fiscal integrity of the Chapter.
  • Triage all WKF materials to your successor in a timely manner following chapter elections.
  • Mentor your WKF successor and contribute to his or her foundation for successful outcomes.

Worthy Keeper of Records and Seals (WKRS)

Breana Levandowsky

Responsibilities include:

  • Serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
  • Call roll at meetings and keep the official roll book of the Chapter.
  • Maintain the minutes and proceedings of all meetings.
  • Preserves all manuscripts and records of the Chapter.
  • E-mail each meeting’s minutes to all collegiate Brothers (or otherwise distribute) following each meeting and make the appropriate additions or corrections to the minutes as suggested by the collegiate Brothers following their review.
  • Preserve the history of the Chapter, and maintain files of all chapter publications and The Communicator.
  • Establish and maintain resources in the chapter library and archives.
  • Keep records of mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses of Brothers.
  • Review previous meeting minutes, such as how the Chapter solved common problems in earlier years for the purpose of gaining insight and share the information to enhance the Chapter.
  • Report new initiates and ordering membership certificates, pins, supplies, and other merchandise from the Executive Director.
  • Assist the WC in preparing the Personnel Reports and other items for the Achievement Awards Program.
  • Maintain records of all documents of the Fraternity: Constitution, National Bylaws, chapter Bylaws, and other necessary documentation.
  • Triage all WKRS materials including a binder of all of the previous meeting minutes as well as an electronic disc copy to your successor.
  • Mentor your WKRS successor and contribute to his or her foundation for successful outcomes.

Worthy Correspondent (WC) 

Jina Lee

Responsibilities include:

  • Serve as a member of the Executive and Achievement Award Committees.
  • Completely familiarize herself with the elements of the current Achievement Awards Program.
  • Keep up and involve the active participation of all chapter Brothers with the Achievement Award Program. This includes returning the proper paperwork to National Office, delegating items of the Achievement Award to appropriate officers or Brothers, writing the required reports due each month, and communication with National Office and other Chapters.
  • Coordinate incoming and outgoing correspondence, and thus serve as a link between the Chapter and the Grand and Regional Officers.
  • Communicate with Regional Correspondent at least once a month.
  • Tap into information and suggestions that can be provided from the various Grand and Regional Officers.
  • Make available publications of other Chapters to chapter Brothers.
  • Triage all WC materials to your successor in a timely manner following chapter elections.
  • Mentor your WC successor and contribute to his or her foundation for successful outcomes.

Worthy Alumni Liaison (WAL)

Richard Zhang

Responsibilities include:

  • Increase awareness of alumni status on the fraternal continuum and encourage collegiate Brothers to consider their purpose and role as alumni while in school.
  • Communicate regularly with the Regional Director for Alumni Affairs for guidance and advice.
  • Link the Active Chapter to the Regional Director of Alumni Affairs.
  • Maintain current records of the names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses of all living alumni of the Chapter.
  • Prior to chapter events such as banquets, Founders’ Day ceremonies, socials, initiations, etc., the WAL should coordinate efforts to inform alumni of the time and place of each event.
  • Encourage alumni Brothers to pay National Alumni Dues to the National Office. Not only will the alumni receive copies of The Communicator, they will help reduce the expense of membership of collegiate Brothers.
  • Inform the Grand Vice President for Collegiate Affairs of alumni happenings.
  • Triage all WAL materials to your successor in a timely manner following chapter elections.
  • Mentor your WAL successor and contribute to his or her foundation for successful outcomes.

Worthy Prelate (WP)

Ji Hae Kang

Responsibilities include:

  • Create a scrapbook of all activities before the last meeting in the spring semester.
  • Ensure the Chapter Web Page is current and updated regularly, if one is available.
  • Obtain a means of printing (commercial or within the Chapter or school), obtaining and editing articles, and mailing the finished publication to determined chapter associated individuals, regional and Grand Officers.
  • Shape the content of the publication to the interest of alumni Brothers.
  • Document chapter functions through pictures and descriptions of all events.
  • Keep records of all collegiate Brothers’ Birthdays. Obtain signatures from multiple Brothers for each Birthday card and ensure a Birthday card is presented to the Brother on his/her Birthday. Obtain three red carnations to give to each Brother on his or her first Birthday as a Brother. Announce birthdays at each meeting during the “Comments for the good and welfare of the Fraternity.”
  • Conduct all devotional services as chaplain.
  • Act as the chapter’s motivational and spiritual leader.
  • Convey condolences on behalf of the Chapter in case of illness or death of relatives, friends, or alumni.
  • Triage all WP materials to your successor in a timely manner following chapter elections.
  • Mentor your WP successor and contribute to his or her foundation for successful outcomes.

Worthy Master-at-Arms (WMA)

Erin Reason

Responsibilities include:

  • Serve as a member of the Membership Committees.
  • Arrive a minimum of 15 minutes before Formal Meetings to prepare the Council Chamber, attend the door, and receive the password.
  • Guard all items of chapter property. This includes articles of formal Ritual Regalia, Ritual books, materials used in the course of the formal initiation, etc. If any Brother uses for a Ritual book other than for meetings or initiation, it should be checked out in the same manner a library book would be.
  • Store the Regalia securely until the next meeting.
  • Keep a running inventory of all Regalia and replace or repair items in need of attention.
  • Serve as an expert at the mechanics of the Ritual.
  • Monitor Brothers adherence to ritual during any Formal Meeting, initiation or other formal occasion.
  • Facilitate the instruction of the prospective Brothers in the history and purpose of our Chapter and Grand Fraternity, utilizing collegiate Brothers when appropriate.
  • Notify the collegiate Brothers what information needs to be added to the Fraternal Education Manual on a weekly basis (i.e., this year’s Grand President is: ______).
  • Initiate and develop a plan for rush activities, including organizing Prospective Brother meetings, and reporting to Brothers about Fraternal Education. However, do not delineate the prospective individuals from chapter activities during the assimilation process. Include them in all chapter activities except for the Official Ritual Proceedings.
  • Notify the collegiate Brothers of participation or lack of participation of the pledging Brothers during the voting process of admittance.
  • Notify those pledging Brothers who are denied entrance into the Fraternity and provide suggestions for improvement for the next recruitment period.
  • Prepare of candidates for initiation. The seriousness of preparation for initiation and active membership in Phi Delta Chi should always be in evidence. Any type of “hazing” activities during pledging or initiation cannot and will not be condoned; this is an official policy of Phi Delta Chi.
  • Delegate duties as he/she deems reasonable to the WIG.
  • Create a union of Brotherhood between collegiate and pledging Brothers.
  • Triage all WMA materials to your successor in a timely manner following chapter elections.
  • Mentor your WMA successor and contribute to his or her foundation for successful outcomes.

Worthy Inner Guard (WIG)

Lia Robichaud

Responsibilities include:

  • Succeed the WMA in case of his/her absence and to assist him/her in the performance of his/her regular duties.
  • Arrive a minimum of 15 minutes before Formal Meetings to prepare the Council Chamber, attend the door, and receive the password.
  • Help the WMA return the Regalia to storage following each Formal Meeting.
  • Guard the door to the council chambers during any Formal Meeting of the Chapter. Secure privacy of the council chambers by preventing eavesdroppers from viewing the meeting through the video cameras mounted in the room, as well as the windows to the council chambers.
  • Work closely with the WMA in preparation for chapter meetings and initiation rituals.
  • Triage all WIG materials to your successor in a timely manner following chapter elections.
  • Mentor your WIG successor and contribute to his or her foundation for successful outcomes.

P3 Liaisons (P3L)  

Mandy Liu and Crystal Sharp

Responsibilities include:

  • This position is unique to Beta Iota because our pharmacy school has a split campus (pharmacy students in their third year go on to the campus at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, Oregon).
  • The most important aspect of being P3L is to maintain communication and the sense of brotherhood between members of Beta Iota in the Corvallis and Portland campuses.

Undergraduate Liaison

Karen Zhang

Responsibilities include:

  • Aid in undergraduate recruitment through outreach events.
  • Connect with Biohealth Science adviser to pass along any events or information about the Chapter.
  • Organize PDC booth for the club fair on campus.
  • Act as a bridge to connect undergraduates with brothers in the pharmacy program.


Suzie Cha

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Professional Pharmacy Fraternity – Beta Iota Chapter