
Every year Beta Iota puts together numerous events that benefit our community and increase the fellowship among our brothers. These events fall into one of the following categories:

  • Recruitment Events – during the pledging process the prospective brothers have to efficiently manage a philanthropy, professional and service project. For the past two years (2017-2019), our chapter has been conducting two recruitment events in the school year: one in the fall and another in the spring. Brothers have found effectiveness in recruiting new members for those who couldn’t join in the fall. Candidates are required to set up a social event and a fundraising event before becoming a brother. This year, incoming brothers hosted a bake sale in front of the pharmacy building and a trick-or-treat and collected 203 items of food and toiletries!

  • Community Outreach Events – Throughout the 2016-17 and 2017-18 school year Beta Iota has conducted numerous community outreaches. Operation Happy Feet was a competition between each class in pharmacy school to see which class could bring in the greatest amount of warm clothing, which included hats, gloves, and socks, that were donated to a local Oregon non-profit that provides basic human needs to Mid-Willamette Valley’s homeless and poor community. In just over a month, more than 900 cold weather accessories were collected between the two classes.


  • Fundraising Events – Our fraternity conducted numerous fundraising events for a variety of projects.  We conducted a few different bake sales to support our outreaches and raise funds for our brothers to attend the 2017 Grand Council event in Arlington, Virginia. Another event to raise money for Grand Council was the Papa’s Pizza fundraiser/social, during which one of our brothers provided some incredible musical entertainment. For the 2017-2018 school year brothers sold Krispy Kreme donuts, held various clothing drives, hosted some dine-in fundraisers, and successfully organized a drug name competition. The 11th annual Apothecary Ball was an event this year that many brothers attended in order to network.
  • Social Events – To further enhance our brotherhood and companionship, Beta Iota conducts several socials throughout each term. For our Winter socials, brothers had a Valentines day themed white elephant. Yogurt Extreme outings were also held in conjunction with a fundraiser for the fraternity. This year we did an Escape Room through the university. We also have an annual Spring Beach Retreat, which was held in Lincoln City this year. This retreat gives our brother’s the chance to relax and become more acquainted with one another during the first week of spring term.

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Professional Pharmacy Fraternity – Beta Iota Chapter