Week 1 on Cognos

The Cognos introduction seems to be going very well as of the end of week 1!  We’ve collectively worked through a number of login issues, and the feedback about the FIS data model is much appreciated.  We’ve seen as many as 23 simultaneous, active sessions on our young server and have not heard of any significant slowdowns.

Here’s a few of the lessons learned this week, plus a couple of random thoughts:

  • Cognos is fussy about which web browser is being used.  So far, Internet Explorer 8 and above is the “gold standard”.  Results have varied with Firefox and Chrome.  I’d love to hear from anyone that’s using a Mac-based browser.
  • Definitely take a look at the Quick Tour that’s available from the Welcome Page.  It looks like a great place to start learning how to use Cognos.
  • If you can use Internet Explorer from your home PC, then you can run Cognos from there!  A few of us adventurous, geeky types have even brought it up on our smartphones.  Definitely not recommended due to screen size limitations–but it can be done.
  • Attention iPad users:  We hope to set up the mobile server extension to Cognos very soon.  I’ve seen a quick demo of the iPad app and it looks pretty good.  I’m told that an Android tablet version is in the works.
  • Katie Pittman and Shane Hunter from SOU have developed a nifty (to say the least) Cognos application called I*Reports.  Along the way, they gained a lot of valuable experience and are willing to share their hard-won lessons with everyone.  We’ll post them on this site, so stay tuned.

Thanks for all your patience and great feedback this week!

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