Oregon State offers a number of options for students looking to continue their business education with a graduate degree.

From the traditional Masters of Business Administration to more specialized options such as our MBA of Accountancy and Pharm.D./MBA, there’s a number of ways for students to advance in their area of interest.


The Masters of Business Administration can be tailored to the interests of the student, with the following options available:

Accountancy MBA

The A-MBA allows students to earn an MBA while studying to pass the CPA exam.

Ph.D. Program

The Oregon State Ph.D. Program offers doctoral options in Accounting and Innovation/Commercialization.


The Pharm.D./MBA is a dual MBA and Ph.D. in Pharmacy.

School of Design and Human Environment

The School of Design and Human Environment offers masters and doctoral programs.

The Integrated Business Project (IBP) is the core of the MBA program. Working with a cross-disciplinary team over a nine-month period, you will create a research-driven, investor-ready  plan to take an innovative idea to market. Your team will participate in a business plan competition judged by seasoned entrepreneurs, executives, and venture capitalists who will provide valuable feedback.

The OSU MBA program will also give you an understanding of how sustainable business meets economic, social and environmental needs without compromising the future of any of them. Sustainability is woven into our curriculum –so that when you leave, you’ll be able to be smart, daring and make a positive impact on your world.

Learn from globally conscious business experts. Faculty members at the College of Business have achieved recognition from the global educational and business communities. They have garnered professional awards and honors, authored textbooks that have been translated into multiple languages, and published research in leading academic and professional journals. They have won prestigious research grants and consulted for Fortune 500 companies.

These business experts are committed to your success and will be accessible to you throughout your MBA program. You’ll enjoy small classes while focusing on global citizenship and ethical business practices.

As a result of completing the OSU MBA program, you will be able to create, build and manage innovative, socially responsible, and sustainable enterprises in a global business environment.

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