Oregon State University
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OSUEA 4-H Awards

A website for OSUEA4-H Members

4-H Service Awards Nominations Process

January 29th, 2013

There has been some confusion on nominating colleagues for ASA, DSA, and MSA awards.  According to the NAE4HA awards website, only the award winners can submit their applications.  However, the OSUEA4HA awards committee determines the Oregon winners.

Please review the following OREGON guidelines for these awards:

Application for DSA, MSA and ASA Awards (back for 2013 -a streamlined application)

  • Completed NAE4HA Member Recognition Form
  • photo of nominee (this is for our OSUEA awards presentation -facebook is a good source)
  • Brief (25-50 word) Bio or summary of accomplishment
  • Current Condensed Resume or Vita (don’t forget to use  SOARS)– no more than 2 pages which includes:
    • Contact Information
    • Work History, beginning with current job assignment
    • Highlights of programming conducted
    • Leadership and involvement in OAE4HA/NAE4HA and other Professional Organizations Honors and Recognition

Visit the Eligibility page of this webblog to see who is eligible for ASA, DSA and MSA awards.

Please DO NOT submit the nomination to NAE4HA directly.  We will work with the Oregon Award winners to have them submit their awards AFTER they are selected.

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