An update will be released to our development environment on Wednesday, January 30th, 2019. This update will be pushed to our production environment on Tuesday, February 5th, 2019. The following updates will be applied:
Major Version Upgrade
- None
Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates
- Drupal Core 7.63
This is a hotfix release for a regression affecting some Drush installations that was introduced by the fix for SA-CORE-2019-002. No other fixes are included.
Contributed Module Updates
- Field Collection 7.x-3.3
- More than 10 updates. Please see the project’s release notes for further information.
- Services 7.x-1.0-beta13
- Fixed wrong version that was applied to the controller
- Spelling fix
- Fixed several additional spelling issues
- Pulled in upstream changes to curlExec()
- Rules 7.x-2.12
- More than 10 updates. Please see the project’s release notes for further information.
- Webform 7.x-4.18
- Fixed coding standards
- Removed progress bar from single-page Webforms
- Fixed Undefined index: source_type in webform_conditional_element_add()
- Now checks that block module is enabled before calling block_flush_caches()
- Now uses $account instead of $user in webform_submission_access()
- Added views submission data relationshiop handler support for cid only and form_key joins
- Adminimal 7.x-1.24
- More than 10 updates. Please see the project’s release notes for further information.
OSU Module Updates
- None
OSU Theme Updates
- None
If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.