The School of Design and Human Environment (DHE) – now part of the College of Business at OSU – offers a variety of international opportunities to DHE majors. Sandy Burnett is the DHE Internship Coordinator, and also serves as the central point of contact for international programs at DHE.

There are many international opportunities for students in the School of Design and Human Environment to take part in. These range from one week study tours to full term experiences studying at various universities abroad. Whether you want to get a quick glance at Asia’s fashion scene or immerse yourself in a full time international internship experience helping build a school out of recycled materials in Guatemala, there is an international opportunity available for any DHE major.

DHE STUDY TOURS: DHE study tours have gone to Europe and Asia. Typically, these study tours occur every other year, each tour alternating years.

The Art, Architecture and Dress Study Tour of Europe offers students a study of Europe’s 2000 years of architecture, interiors and dress. Students tour ancient ruins, Renaissance art and architecture, famous museums, and contemporary design in some of Western Europe’s most exciting cities. The group travels by trains, subways, boats, coaches, and planes while exploring London, Paris, Florence, and Rome.  The next tour is expected to be offered the Summer of 2014. For more information, please contact Elaine Pedersen in DHE.

The Hong Kong Fashion Week Study Tour is a 10 day study tour in, you guessed it, Hong Kong. A small group attends the Hong Kong Fashion Week tradeshow including live fashion shows, seminars, designer contests, while featuring the latest fabrics, materials and fashions for upcoming seasons. It is known worldwide for its large sourcing expo and is attended globally by top designers, manufacturers and retailers in the apparel and footwear industry. In addition to attending the tradeshow, the group visits the heart of Hong Kong’s fashion scene visiting key fashion markets, retailers and company site visits. Students also have the opportunity to study China’s tradition and culture while visiting museums, traditional monuments and cultural excursions all while eating Chinese traditional cuisine. Currently, a study tour of main land China is in the planning stages. For more information, please contact Sandy Burnett in DHE.

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