It’s Week 3, and we’re waiting for warm weather to appear — maybe this week!
Comments, questions, or feedback about the news? Drop us a line at Ask a Peer Advisor.
Important Dates
- Last day to Withdraw from classes or choose S/U grading: May 18
- No Classes (Memorial Day): May 28
- Last day to Withdraw from the Term: June 8
Peace Corps
Twenty percent of the Peace Corps’ 3,500 volunteer openings each year are in the public health sector. The agency is always on the lookout for people with undergraduate and graduate degrees in public health. Most people are aware of the Peace Corps and its 27-month assignments in more than 60 countries around the world. But many aren’t aware that upon return from Peace Corps service, volunteers have a letter of non-competitive eligibility for federal government jobs. This translates to preferred hiring status for Peace Corps volunteers at agencies like the Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, US Public Health Service, the VA, etc. In addition, returned volunteers are eligible for graduate school fellowships at more than 200 university programs in the U.S.
OSU’s Peace Corps recruiter, Scot Roskelley, will be on campus April 25-27 to meet with students, give class talks, and conduct an info session specifically for Public Health majors and minors. The info session is Wednesday, April 25, at noon in Hallie Ford Center, Room 225. Students who can’t make the info session but who would like to meet one-on-one with Scot to learn more about Peace Corps service can send him an email to set up an appointment. In addition, on Thursday, April 26, 6 p.m., there will be a Peace Corps “send-off” held in Strand, Room 263. Students from OSU who will be leaving for the Peace Corps this summer will be on hand, along with faculty and staff who have served in the Peace Corps to talk about their experience. It’s a fun event, and those interested in finding out more about the Peace Corps are welcome to attend. Roskelley encourages even freshmen, sophomores, and juniors to find out more about Peace Corps service, as there are things students can do early in their college careers that will make them more competitive when they apply during their senior year. Each year, there are 24,000 applicants for the roughly 3,500 openings.
The Pre-Therapy and Allied Health Club’s annual Wheel-A-Thon is coming up on Friday of week 7, May 18th. The event raises awareness for disabilities and raises money for the Multiple Sclerosis Clinic and Individualized Movement and Physical Activity for Children Today (IMPACT). Sign up for a time to compete in the wheelchair obstacle course from 10 AM to 6 PM in the SEC plaza. There will be prizes for the team that completes the most laps in 10 minutes and for the team that donates the most to the cause. Register your team of four or more people on the “Wheel-A-Thon 2018” Facebook page. Contact or with any questions!
Study Abroad Weekly Wednesday Sessions
The Office of Global Opportunities is pleased to offer their Weekly Wednesdays series again this spring for students who are keen on exploring both the “ways” and “means” of studying abroad.
Four of the sessions focus on themes of Unpacking Myths, Study Abroad Finances, Student Voices, and Scholarships and Grants.
All of Weekly Wednesday sessions take place in the Student Experience Center (SEC) in either the Involvement Lounge (SEC 112) or the SEC Lobby itself from 12-1pm.
Etiquette Dinner
Join us in the evening of Thursday, April 19, to learn how to make meaningful conversations with professionals (OSU alumni and community partners) while polishing your dining etiquette with an etiquette instructor and a three-course meal. This dinner will help prepare you for meaningful conversations with professionals, so you are ready for the next lunch meeting with a potential employer. This is also a great chance to practice dress to impress. Business casual attire is recommended.
Click here to RSVP.
5:30 to 6:00: Check-in
6:00 to 6:30: Learn Networking Tips
6:30 to 8:00: Learn Dining Etiquette over a three-course meal
8:00 to 8:15: Wrap-up
Featured Guests:
Alex Aljets, ’10 B.S. in Biochemistry and Biophysics
Danielle Kintz, ’14 B.S. in Mathematics and Accountancy
Michael Lee, Program Manager at Home Life Supported Living Plus
Paula O’Connor, ’16 B.S. in Kinesiology
Jenna Robinson, ’15 B.S. in General Science and Nutrition
Corey Wright, ’12 B.S. in Chemistry and Pre-Med
Ellen Yin, ’16 B.S. in Exercise and Sport Science
Seats are limited. If you are unable to attend after registration, please email Claire Wu before 1pm on Monday, April 16, to cancel your registration so students on the waitlist can join us.
Summer Student Internship Opportunity
OSU Foundation CASE Advance Internship
The OSU Foundation is a proud participant in the CASE Advancement Internship Program. CASE, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, is the preeminent professional association for fundraisers who work in higher education. For summer 2018, the Foundation is offering a CASE internship within the Office of Foundation Relations. The 8-week summer internship includes a $5,000 stipend, and an all-expenses paid trip to a conference in Washington DC (June 24-26)! The intern will travel Washington D.C to meet all the other CASE interns from around the country and to spend one and one half days under the guidance of the CASE internship team. The hands-on learning experience provided by the OSU Foundation is augmented and enhanced with CASE web-based learning modules designed to teach interns about the fundamental activities involved in fundraising. Led and managed by Aaron Shonk, Senior Director of Development for Foundation Relations, the Office of Foundation Relations assists OSU faculty, staff, and campus units in successfully writing grant proposals to private foundations, with the goal of building strong, ongoing relationships with a broad array of private funders.
The internship is from June 18–August 10, 2018. Interested? Send you resume to Jason Thomas. Go to CASE’s website for more information about the internship.
Health Professions Fair
Interested in a career in health care? Don’t miss the Health Professions Fair on Tuesday, April 24th!
Admissions representatives from more than 70 health professions schools in Oregon and across the country are attending the fair and eager to meet OSU students. The fair will be open 10am to 2pm in the MU Ballroom. Students from all majors are welcome at this free event. Programs represented include medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, public health, physician assistant, physical therapy, veterinary medicine, naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, biomedical sciences, occupational therapy, counseling, psychology, chiropractic, and more!
This event is appropriate for all students, from first-year through seniors. First-year and second-year students can explore health professions and schooling options, start building networks for the future, and get valuable advice and tips directly from the sources. Juniors and seniors can learn about specific programs, collect application information, and get advice on the application process.
Visit the event website to learn more and see a list of schools attending the fair.
Need Feedback from International Students
The College of Public Health and Human Sciences will be holding meetings during the Spring 2018 term to get feedback on what it’s like to be an international student in our college. If you are a current international student interested in participating, please click here to select what times of the week work best for you. Note: The meetings will take place later in the spring term. We are only looking for your general availability Monday through Friday during the Spring 2018 term.
If you would like to provide feedback electronically, please click here to comment on how the College of Public Health and Human Sciences is, or is not, helping international students. Your answers will be recorded anonymously.
Finally, if you would like to provide feedback on your experience in a smaller setting, you’re welcome to schedule an individual appointment with David Reitan.
Feel free to respond with any questions you may have to David Reitan.
Nutrition & Dietetics Club
The Nutrition & Dietetics Club is a student-run organization on the Oregon State University campus. The club provides students interested in nutrition opportunities to: learn more about a career in dietetics, volunteer in the community, and educate the public about better health and nutrition. The purpose is to provide a framework for meaningful student involvement and to stimulate interest in the profession of dietetics.
Questions? Contact the Faculty Advisor Neilann Horner or the Club president Sydney Cooper. Check out their Facebook, Instagram and Website! Subscribe to their Listserv!
Do You Know Your Advisor?
Need help finding your assigned advisor? Check your MyDegrees student degree checklist in the Assigned Advisor block, or call the Office of Student Success at 541-737-8900.



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